EYE OPENER – Driver Set Up will SHOCK YOU

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This EYE OPENER golf tip will shock you as to how quickly you will be able to implement only 4 SIMPLE driver set up checks to start bombing your driver. I call it the eye opener as it immediately demonstrates four key set up positions that will shock you and allow you start hitting driver longer and higher.
It's an amazing drill for golfers of all levels.

For more of Steve's tuition on a personal basis visit
For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve's EUREKA GOLF SWING is now being implemented in 52 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Janice Tomaso says:

Another great lesson !I love the way you repeat the steps it sinks in much quicker! ??

jp says:

I suffer from a big slice.. saw this video yesterday and took this to the sim today.. WOW!

I’ve never hit it so straight and consistent. I appreciate you!

I’m really hoping you have a video for iron setup and wedge setup as well! If not ??

dancing dave Thomas says:

Tried this yesterday first time in a winter comp without taking it the range due to a 8am start.. Only missed 2 fairways bombed all the others. Best tip ever 4 steps magic. Do you have a similar drill for Irons? Thanks a million top
coach Steve

john ortega says:

Driver journey, I will try this, thank you

JOE HESS says:

I’ve taken a handful of lessons to learn to drive. This video tied it all together for me. I was hammering them on the range! Can’t wait to get on the course with this. Thank you Steve!

Peter Cameron says:

Thanks Steve, your instructions took me from a consistent 12 handicapper to 8 three years ago. So much so that I keep trying something new. Anyway I have strayed from your true path and now am playing off 11: Jim Venetos has captured my fancy- and fancy it is, but so hard to do in my mind. . Golf is strange! This video has me returning to the fold, got within two of shooting my age a fortnight ago.

Robert Cox says:

Excellent vid. Thanks Steve!

Gerald B. says:

What I learned at 1:47 into this video: "We don't swing up this way (motioning through to the target) for the angle of attack to be positive … so high launch. We swing with the clubhead level up that way (motioning through and up)." In all my years it has never occurred to me to think of it like that. Brilliant!

Anthony Farmer says:

Brilliantly clear Steve – As Always! Thanks.

Marc Faber says:

I took this to the range amd saw a dramatic improvement in consistency. But…, your shots end up with a nice draw and almost all of my shots end up in a fade. Can you elaborate a little bit more about your grip, the alignment to your target and what you do with your wrists in the takeaway and downswing amd do you snap your wrists before impact? Thanks for the excellent video!!

Andrew Pratt says:

When you go onto the course to feel out these 4 things and the many thoughts running through your head include "troosers". Lol. Good video.

Cam MacMaster Music says:

I now watch this video every time on my way to the course !! Thank you.

Rick Temple says:

Are you using eureka setup

JRMG says:

Steve, I was the random guy that said hi to you at the Braids driving range tonight!

Bizarrely I was actually there trying out this 4 point driving routine and while I didn’t quite hit the bombs you did in the video the results were really encouraging!

Really enjoying the quality and content of your channel.


Bill Wallenstein says:

It’s an easy game

RFC 357 says:

Hi Steve! Absolutely brilliant! Was struggling with my driver as of late and came across your video and eureka open stance golf swing…applied what you teach at the range and was smashing drivers 230+ yds. I'm 65 by the way. So I've subscribed and added your playlists to my favorites! Thank you so much…great practice plan too. And I remember the very important rule…ball on tee?

J. Cesar. says:

Great set up lesson. That course looks incredible ?

William MacDonald says:

Most miss the back foot, it’s a huge help

Donald Catchpole says:

Good Stuff.

Keith Nolan says:

Can't wait to try this….looks like a steady setup and a great way to be consistent ? ?

Cliff Lattanzio says:

Steve, great video. What’s your weight distribution with your feet during your Driver setup? 60%-40% on front?

Susan Hillier says:

Do you know what Steve, I reckon that’s the best video I have watched. I really like Alex Elliot but I think you are on a par. Brilliant, keep it going.

KL says:

Great setup. I would add a midsize or jumbo grip, tackiest you can tolerate, the stiffest, lightest shaft that doesn't get you wild misses and the lowest spin head that doesn't get hurt your total distance. Recipe for bombs. ?

Joe Bazzano says:

Awesome driver video – 1 2 3 4 and let it go. Thanks Steve.

Mighty Whitehorse says:

Hi Steve, thank you for the 4 point set up check list for Driver. Very innovative. Keepinf it simple.

The Right hand touching the kneee stance feels abit uncomfortable stance.

But I will work on it..:-)

G B says:

I hover the driver, is this compatible with this set up?

Brian Thomson says:

Used this today on the course, not ideal conditions, but had greater consistency with shape, high draw and increase in average distance off the tee of 14 yds. Longest drive 267 yds, very little roll out. Very simple but so effective, thanks


I discovered you recently, I like your repetitive style and casual attitude, thanks! You are valuable to the training world!

Bob Reidy says:

Excellent lesson kept super simple.??

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