Free Complete beginners golf lessons

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Free golf lessons

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James Razon says:

This is the best lesson I’ve watched! Unless I’ve seen enough video that it
started to make sense after watching this… I’ve been hitting more solid
shots now and I don’t get tired easily. My arms are more relaxed now and
started doing the whip effect. The more I twist my hips faster, the
stronger impact on the ball. Thanks James!

hangemhighification says:

Jim, you are driving me nuts moving that ball all over the mat. Nervous
habit. I just ran acrooss your video. I am advanced golfer but i thought i
would see what is being offered to beginners. I like that you mention that
the arms actually dont “try” to swing or control. You may want to emphasize
this more because beginners dont get that for many years and pros dont tell
or teach that. Decent start i would say.

Rick Jones says:

One more question…when buying new set of should I choose,
theres so many types of clubs, sets, I could spend the whole day at the
golf store…

James Welford says:

You just answered your own comment. In order to train your body parts to
make a precision move they must learn how to move and when to move. Moving
only one part does not accomplish the task.

James Welford says:

You are very welcome 🙂 Tell your friends, golf is a wonderful sport. Jim

James Welford says:

Hi, Thanks for your question. You can go to golf store and have the store
give you a fitting(they may charge), or go to a store and put some clubs in
your hands. The head of the club should lie with a somewhat level lie and
feel like you are ready to swing it. If you have not bought any clubs yet
as I said in the video just get a used one(the sls rep should help you) and
try out the swing. Jim ps I will try and post a video on buying a club. Jim

James Welford says:

That’s the purpose of the swing drill. By using this technique you will put
pressure on your balance causing your brain to counteract and automatically
teach you how to swing properly.

James Welford says:

Hi Travis, I use the interlock grip. I find it has the best control for my
hand size. I use the men’s left xtra-large glove. Glad you liked my video.
If you find it helpful tell your friends. Jim

James Welford says:

Hi Tom, You can go to Shiftgolf on youtube. I am putting together a series
of personal tips that help the golfer understand the game a little better.
Hope they have helped you out. Golf is a great game, if you get a chance
hope you pass my lessons on to others.

Hsunde90 says:

Good movie, thanks from norway!

James Welford says:

Thank you very much. Be sure to tell your friends. Jim

jakbind says:

Great video ! Thanks for posting. BTW, what setup are you using in your
garage to “catch” the balls…?

MrYoda1972 says:

Hi. Thanks for this video. Can you give lessons or tips on the right way to
choose a club with respect to your height? I’m a beginner, 5’5″ tall.
Thanks again, sir.

MaTt CaM says:

That’s not such a good lesson,I mean you can’t just say to move your weight
and expect to hit the ball good,Wouldn’t it be better to just start off
using your shoulders and hips ?

awansaadat says:

This was really really helpfull. I tried that swinging exersice at home for
about 15 minutes everyday and within a week, went back to the driving range
and noticed an imorovement. Thanks again! PS: i still have problems hitting
the ball down, i usually hit it too high or the opposite (hit the ground
before i hit the ball). Any tips/videos on that? Cheer!

James Welford says:

Hello, Can u describe the comment a little better. You indicated the “golf
swings up” ? a video clip would be great if possible. Jim

charliekinggolf says:

thanks for this!

Thomas Newsham says:

Really good guide!

James Welford says:

Thanks for the great comment. You ask about hitting the ball too high or
hitting the ground first. If you are hitting the ball solidly a high ball
flight may be your natural swing. As far as hitting the ground first you
may be getting too much hand pressure on the downswing or trying to swing
too hard which can alter the swing path. Jim

Rick Jones says:

You say its very easy, but isnt it more a matter of time in order to “get
it right”?

Timothy Buist says:

wish I still lived down in FL, Jim, would love to get a personal lesson!

Travisscoble says:

hi great video …. also what grip do you have?

TadRapidly says:

you’re really creaming it for such a relaxed approach. Looks beautiful.

mini craft says:

thanks i am young and i may try what you have told me i am getting golf
lessions on saterday!!

Cleveland Knowles says:

Great video, Im fairly new to actually playing the game, this was some very
good sound advice compared to some Ive seen. I plan to try that right away

username1000times says:

Thank you!

Arya Joesoef says:

great video Mr welford : )

Rick Jones says:

What is the ball bouncing back off of? Can you show that set up on camera?

Sebastian Sandberg says:

now to get get starting… hitting BALLS 😀

john doyle says:

i think thats a great lesson for a starter,cheers jon

Amon Kavanaugh says:

I can tell you without a doubt this this lesson is helpful for beginners..
After struggling to get started for months, I went to the driving range
today and my improvement was immediate. Thanks!!

B12INGIT says:

Thank you jim I’m an absolute beginner and this is a massive help . . God

TheCcmmff says: swings up can thank

James Welford says:

Thanks for the feedback 🙂 I hope it makes the game more fun and opens the
doors to many years of great memories.

Ashley Gies says:

Really great drill! I just started to learn and remembering to do
everything during a swing is hard. So working on my weight distribution and
properly using my left arm has helped a lot and now im even more excited to
go back to the driving range and practice! Thanks a lot!! You’re a great

Tom Isles says:

Hi, I’m a total beginner and have just been out practising your lesson and
it’s great. As long as I try not to hit too hard, I can get accuracy and
feel like I’m in control rather than at the mercy of swinging all over the
place cause I was lifting it back with right hand. Do have other tips for
chipping and putting?

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