Golf Chipping Lesson Pressure and Loft

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Golf Chipping Lesson Pressure and Loft with Mark Crossfield. Mark uses his new Boditrack pressure matt to talk about how he uses the floor and the pressure in the ground to control the loft of hit golf club for different golf chip shots. With the help of measuring devices Mark Crossfield can see pressures that would never normally be seen and learn how to help you play some bette golf with facts. Play your best golf with simple and clear golf instruction by Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru

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  • Categories: Golf lesson


itubeutude says:

Why are the slow motion pictures so dark?

Steve Evans says:

I can’t wait for the rest. Fascinating. Build swing from ground up. I think
we are in for a real treat. The again Mark.

Brad Bradington says:


soulbringerfps says:

04:00 :: Are you standing open to your target line here or square ?

DjSidewayz07 says:

Nice shoes Mark! Are they worth the CDN$235 they would cost me? Have you
played a match in them? Love the vids, you have changed my game 

Nikegolf19 says:

Really digging the outfit mark. Great video!

emjayemjay888 says:

That thumbnail looks like you’re about to drop the years top rap album haha

ken mackerel says:

i am the first person to comment on this video. it is good.

Scott Mensi says:

What grind on that 60 Vokey?

Ravi Shanka says:

Really would like to know the different ball strike statistics, I.e. How
far the ball went and the roll of the ball , given you struck the ball

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