Golf Lesson – Part 3

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David HOLMES says:

Just watched your 3 lessons very good noticed they were a months ago how is your swing now ?

Mike Beck says:

Come on man… everyone wants to see Joe swing the clubs!

Paul Crossland says:

Booked in with 3 lessons with Barry – hopefully he will be able to assist me with my strike

Michael Carrett says:

Do you want this shaft lead with wedges as well?

Timothy Porteous says:

seen this type of shaft lean before, you need sufficient club head speed or you get a low ball flight. having the handle slightly ahead of the ball gets a truer ball flight

7reddaggers says:

Just my opinion but as a very average golfer myself, you've lost me here !! All very interesting stuff and Barry's knowledge is brill but I wouldn't attempt any of this myself, I'd have too many thoughts flying round my head !! It will be interesting to see if you find you improve significantly in the next few months.

Dougie Farquharson says:

cool to actually see training aids being used to help feeling of the swing position .seeing improvement in your swing ,happy days

mick banks says:

Does the hands forward drill also apply to the diver ?.

Mr Kipling says:

This is great content. Very informative. Thanks for sharing!

gary smith6 says:

Really impressed with Barry he seems to know his onions!!

Gary Barton says:

Think I need the chip solid myself I need to lower my ball flight keep up the good work.

Rodney Blackwell says:

I wonder how often the buildings down the left of the range get hit?

J.C Golf says:

Joey rocking the ankle bashers!!

Follyfour says:

Hey Andy I think the window cleaner is stalking you that's two video's he has been there .

Mark Ramsell says:

Great video. you can really see the changes now. you don't seem to be turning the ball over now.

Anthony Moore says:

Great progress! Can we Barry to work with Joey??? 🙂

David Malesky says:

Profitable lesson! You are making good progress. It is so helpful to have a professional look at your swing and provide a path to improvement. It is truly motivating to see your progress and I would imagine that it makes you want to practice and reinforce the instruction that you have received!

Mark Sheehan says:

Well done on the progress and improvements! Your only issue is going to be what will you re-name yourself when you become a lot better than an average golfer!!?️

Michael Fox says:

Can you let me know the name of the second/chipping aid.
Many thanks and great video.

Garth Garthly says:

Those three lessons were great. Barry seems a great coach, very patient, keeping the lesson on track. I was struck by all the methods he used to get the feelings across. It seems to me looking at my own swing that it has very similar issues, (swinging round myself, steeper shaft in downswing, high ball flight) and I would guess that they are actually very common. I wonder if you agree. I will certainly try to apply these three stages to my own practice.

Don Campbell says:

The average golfer is looking the part, snappy dresser and the golf swing is coming along as well. Looking forward to next vid.

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