Golf Lesson-The Grip

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Jim Bankes says:

not sure wjhat is worse – boring monotone, birds chirpping or looking at
his jeans that are too tight….thanks anyway….moving on

Oliver Johannes says:

Great tip! Has been very helpfull to me. I have much better control over
the club now, which results in even better ball stricking. Thank you

Martin Ayers says:

@ronrambokim That’s a correct observation of Elk. I try to cup the left
wrist and the right wrist supports that.

Richard Montfort says:

I agree,

A .Othman says:

Your videos are easily the best instructional videos on Youtube! They have
done wonders for my consistency and ball striking. Keep up the good work!

Martin Ayers says:

@colinsoul Theres nothing wrong with interlocking.

Martin Ayers says:

@ronrambokim It’s my interpretation of what he meant, either way it’s
getting good results. Thanks for your feedback mate.

Martin Ayers says:

Thanks mate, glad to hear it.

Ronald Kim says:

What is your opinion on the cupping of the left wrist in the backswing? I
saw Elkington rolling his right wrist mimicking what they would do on the
backswing. Seems like its the motion you would make to support the cupping
of the left wrist.

Ronald Kim says:

@martinez19696 Seems like this is what Hogan was speaking about when he
said he tried to roll open the clubface as much as possible in the
backswing. Totally makes sense now. A big fan of your knowledge, appreciate
all the help.

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