GOLF: The Perfect Training Aid If You Struggle With Solid Contact

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Aaron Mccardie says:

Tried this on Saturday with my coach it was called the TRS =tour rotation stick .worked well in the end rotation improved greatly. But on Sunday morning noticed a lot of bruising ?? I will purchase one as a training aid.

DiamondXpres - Diamond Painting says:

Great video and this is the only drill that works for me to get to impact position.

Jan Jarvie says:

Look up tour rotation stick. Stays on and works like magic.

Jan Jarvie says:

Where can I buy this chip stick? I bought the Callaway but it doesn’t stay on.


Thanks Eric, I worked on this all last winter in my garage hitting into a net and i added a hanger to it and made sure the butt end of the club pointed between the ball and my toes.I had best season yet and had my first hole-in one. thanks again

James Brey says:

Just got the chip stick !!! Thanks !!!

6string - Dave says:

A little pain will correct any issues!

Paul C says:

Does this apply to every club in the bag?

jbarry80 says:

Hey Eric, heard you mention "block practice" a lot during your videos. Sorry if it's a stupid question but what do you mean by that?

Eric Robbins says:

All of your videos have improved my game. Thank you very much!

The Gunny RB says:

Great tip I have one now. A little awkward at first.

Michael Vanni says:

What is the name of that training device? Can u provide a link? Enjoy your videos!

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