Golf Tips Magazine-Coil for Power

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Use 5-time Re/Max World Long Drive Champ Jason Zuback's method for creating power through a proper coil and gain yards now. For more golf tips visit


TheRounder1980 says:

@M14dude He shoots around 72 dumb ass

BananasFroggy says:

Indeed, I can agree that there are two categories of Longdrivers; Pure Drivers, and Playing Drivers – but both need to be able to hit the ball consistently. If you can give 100% in LD competition, and give 85% in golf and still drive 320 yds – you are more often that not i a good attack position. But still, you need to putt it into the hole – and that's another story 😉

Sal Spadaro says:

I would like to comment on your clearly moronic shit! first off I have had the pleasure of meeting and playing multiple rounds with fellow Canadian Jason Zuback and for your own knowledge he has a 2 handicap! enough said!! yes he hits the ball a long way and has a full swing but how times have you seen Tiger swing with a 9 iron like he does with his driver? go learn to play the game. thanks!

bjh0609 says:

hey one of most important keys for these guys to hit 350+ yard is to HIT THE BALL AT THE CENTER OF THE CLUBFACE…and you call this swing a mess?

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