How to hit great iron shots – Golf Instruction by Craig Hanson

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I teach club golfers through to tour pros and had over 18,000 + lessons. For more videos subscribe to my channel and visit my website Drop me an email for questions and online lessons.

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CraigHansonGolf says:

Setting up like that makes people come more from the inside at times .

CraigHansonGolf says:

So follow through has to exit slightly left with a neutral style release –
hard to explain I guess writing it . But generally I’m guessing as I can’t
see your swings

Glenn S. Marks says:

great lesson !! and worth sharing video

Sebastian Karim says:

thanks for the tips. 

JETLFC says:

This is stack & tilt. If you do what your saying you have spine tilt
towards target. Isn’t this is a big power lose. Not loading weight into
right foot and tranfering weight to front foot. Power movement. 

Zachary Nickels says:


ebarr64 says:

Ive tried this type of shot before and I hit the ball nicely but I usually
hook the ball. What can I do to keep my weight on my left side but not hit
a hook. Is this a timing issue since I would normally have to get around
faster when I didnt have the weight on my left side as much?

Dreama40 says:

Hi Craig i really like your lessons alot! I have a question, could you
describe the role of the arms/hands in the backswing and how to get them in
sync with your shoulder turn to get the club in the right position in the
backswing, seems to me to be a very big part of the game and never really
heard it explained properly, except for maybe Steven Bann, love to hear
your thoughts. Cheers Jeff

Peter Imwinkelried says:

Really great help, much better feeling throughout the shot. This is the
golf video which helped me the most. The ony problem I still have that I
throw the club to eary (lots of power loose). Could you please give me an
advise ?

CraigHansonGolf says:

Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
videos … address is in the video link above . Craighansongolf

CraigHansonGolf says:

It all depends if your hitting the right lines in your
downswing…obviously not everyone can swing the same .If your stay centred
and your plane is steep or swing is high it could make steeper . I would
have to see your swing Pat to be able to help . Where did you get that
awesome picture on your channel there its from Augusta isnt it ? Is it
online or possible to buy online that picture?

CraigHansonGolf says:

Its of in course impossible to give someone advice about there swing when
you cant see the hand and wrist position and the plane and entry and exit
etc etc .. i do these videos to attract future customers . But of course
every swing and golfer are different .So you cant teach everyone the same
.Having said that the majority of people would hit there irons shots better
following or copying the same positions .I like the idea of your right foot

CraigHansonGolf says:

Send me a mail if you want Jeff .

CraigHansonGolf says:

Hi …and thanks …nah.. i am not into that stack and tilt stuff . I base
more of what i teach on what the past and presents champions do and have
done . I prove to my students through the use of slow motion ( and normal
speed ) still camera shots with lines and angles showing exactly the
positions and hallmarks of great players and great ball strikers .Theres
just same angles and numbers lines that you cant get around . Theres
certain things that great hitters do !! We must learn from them .

CraigHansonGolf says:

Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
videos … address is in the video link above . Craighansongolf

MDGolfaddict says:

Hi Craig.Great vid. Not seen iron play explained like this before. Is this
basically a stack and tilt move you are advocating here?. My iron play has
always been a bit iffy, I set up 50/50 weight wise and at the top of the
swing push with my right foot to get the weight driving through to the left
side and into the shot.

CraigHansonGolf says:

Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
videos … address is in the video link above . Craighansongolf

CraigHansonGolf says:

One thing you can try that a lot of great players do and many of them do it
without actually realising . Is to pinch the right knee in in your address
position slightly . This means just pinch the right knee in a bit in the
direction of the target .This helps keep resistance in the right leg ..A
3/4 swing is great for your irons anyway.In the video i mentioned about 55%
weight left (not much) …but you have to keep your spine angle correct in
the address !! Anyway i would need to see your swing

CraigHansonGolf says:

Ethan check out my website just google my name and you will find my website
i cant put my website name in this comment box as it dosent allow links .
Click on the english flag on the top right of the screen . You can then
send me a email . That way we can communicate better . I have a new english
website that will be opening soon …Through email i can tell you where to
position your smart phone or camera etc etc …until then

MDGolfaddict says:

Thanks for you detailed reply. Your vids are great keep them coming!! One
other question though how does an Aussie end up teaching Golf in Germany?
do you retreat to sunnier climes in the winter as Germany has worse winters
than us Poms suffer!!! Thanks again and love the vids

Lee Martin says:

Thanks for the tip Craig I’ll give that a go. In the mean time how would I
send you a video of my swing. I have V1 software and also the SwingReader
app. I’d like to have some professional feedback that would be great.

CraigHansonGolf says:

I just dont like to see people move off the ball . I have my preferences
but I am not into any style of swing . Right side or what ever swing style
. I dont believe in one style of swing for every body . We are or built
differently , feel and swing different . Its about impact and a great
impact and being able to repeat that . If you move off a little and come
back on it not such a bad thing depends also on a persons flexibility .

puls66 says:

here you go

CraigHansonGolf says:

Theres different excercises and drills you can use to improve keeping the
butt back and the right leg in . But you would need to build a station with
cut off shafts in the ground as to prevent movement in the wrong direction
. One of the problems i see with many golfers is they dont have a real plan
a blueprint or a goal for there swing . ( not saying you Pat ) They try
this and that and after 12 months end up back in the same spot .To develop
great leg work it may take between 12-18 months

TheGamerMentality says:

I find looking a couple inches ahead of the ball will help trick your mind
to move your weight to the left leg and make better contact. I used to look
at the back of the ball and thats where my divot would always be. This
resulted in topping the ball every time. Just a quick tip to help people.

Dreama40 says:

Oh and would it be fair to say your a fan of the “right sided swing”, based
on your video above, not so much stack and tilt as others have suggested.

CraigHansonGolf says:

Check out the new website thats opened .. lots of free info and a blog and
videos … address is in the video link above . Craighansongolf

puls66 says:

Hey craig, now i’ve watched all your videos. Thanks, i really enjoyed them.
Maybe you can help me just a little bit with one thing. In almost every
analysis you mentioned the butt and the right knee at adress position and
how they moved, stayed or worked at impact. The butt was even a little bit
more behind the line and the knee stayed behind the line you have drawn. I
know i can’t get to those positions. I know maintaining the spine angle
should work or pressing the butt slightly to the back

CraigHansonGolf says:

Hey Pat ..changing leg and feet positiond it much harder than changing arm
planes and club planes .It seems to be a little like our signature . But
its possible . After 2-3 months you will only see a couple of centimetres
improvement !! Thats why there are not so many really good golfers around
everyone goes searching all the time . If you craete the same postions and
hit the same lines you can create the same shots .I have a knew online
training website opening soon if your intersted ..thanks

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