I played baseball at Topgolf

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@michaelwhatley says:

Yea…. The net is 200 yards and the height is 110-120 ft. There’s no way you are getting that trajectory. Nice swing though.

@Mr.LaMora says:

That didn’t even reach the back of the net

@user-kc6wz2is5b says:

They should just build these ranges 400m so nobody can clear them ????

@kimberliesharp3042 says:

That’s not a topgolf golf ball. That’s one you brought. The more impressive thing you could do is drop that thing in the pin like the game supposed to be played.

@wipeyfader says:

Those concrete balls gonna cave in your club face bruh

@Hdgeuxhs says:

“Wow is that a bir-“

@Oshawott07 says:

Just downgrade the drivers to putters, problem solved

@xxxtentacionfan1237 says:

Bros the next happy Gilmore

@sarahmorton-os6er says:


@iamdadog says:

I can just imagine the “if you hit it out of the park again I’m gonna have to ask you to leave!”

@danc2014 says:

It would have been easy to confirm because each bay has a distance speed and height meter.

@loy123ful says:

Someone has to have been hit by 1 by now

@jordan19862000 says:

It did not leave the park

@themelancholystrumpetmaster says:

still the gayest game ever

@sabikabhujel7002 says:

Beware of flying golf balls????

@jacobussteyn7062 says:

What's the clubhead speed

@elgringoloco4094 says:

Yea this isn't impressive anymore

@TheOnceRealScottMusic says:

the fact it kinda just moved like when i move one the move axis sliders in a game editor

@jakelakota3010 says:

They are always on the top tier

@FlankerJackChannel says:

You put a regular golf ball down and hit it with a driver you're going to hit it out. Top golf is only 150 yards

@bobh3704 says:

Great form and follow ! Keep it up ????

@JustinAndPandaPlays says:

This is why the moon has craters

@user-yz2qv5ok4q says:

plot twist- he hits the green on a course nearby.

@andygrow3951 says:

Thinks he is Mike Trout at top golf

@user-el2kt1wb1m says:

Imagine driving over there and a golf ball destroys the windshield

@user-yg5nx7ud6n says:

Only went to the white target. It's a hybrid, come on

@DoNotPirateNoPiracy says:

bass pro shops

@Vikturus2k6 says:

I generally get asked not to use my driver when at ranges that have tee’s behind the range. 3/5 in town have that setup .. it’s annoying to warm up at once course then head to other…

@4_5_1 says:

Just because the apex of the ball is over the height of the net for a split second does not mean it went out of the park.

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