I was told "THE SECRET" to better GOLF SWING BALANCE

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An old golf professional told me the secret to better golf balance and why an older technique is better than a modern approach. The secret to better golf swing balance puts the golfer in the correct athletic position with the point of balance where it should be not where you're told it looks like it should be?
All will be explained.

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The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Gareth Noble says:

Brilliant. Hope this helps someone else (particularly former athletes) ….. Having worked at this dilligently over the last 2 weeks on the range I'd hoped to see some impact on my scores. Did I? Naaah! My head got in the way again. Now, I hear you saying "Obviously doing something seriously wrong with the club there if your head gets in the way". Let me explain… Despite all the best practice on the range it wont work if, when you're down on the course, you go to it with the attitude "Done the practice, paid my dues so right let's get after this ". You'll be back on the balls of your feet just that split second before you start your backswing. It needs a different mental approach, too. Having Joseph Parent's book, Zen Golf, on the bedside table won't help unless you read it. Which is what I started doing again last night. I loved this video. I hope to do it justice.

graham jones says:

Weight on the balls on your feet helps you react, or to put it another way, helps pressure flow along the feet (hendrix bar) throughout the dynamic action of the golf swing.If you want to see the power of footwork in the golf swing watch this old man!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34viwApgPyE

Jack Marquess says:

Wonderful concept; promotes hitting from inside out and the Gary Player walk through! Thanks ST.

Paul Barrett says:

…pure magic…

Ian Davidson says:

It’s Monty ???

MikeR says:

This is certainly good advice, when I first started playing golf I was quite often pulled off balance by the force of the swing, resulting in mishits and a terrible finish. Sure enough as soon as I placed more weight towards the heels my swing improved and once you get the feel of it you can swing much more aggressively. Great video and gem of a tip. Cheers from Nova Scotia.M.

RumzDizzle says:

This is something I’ve been working on a lot and this video just confirms it for me. I am about two years in and found myself feeling like I’m falling forward and a lot of time hitting fat. Focusing on getting the weight back has helped my balance a ton.

Two J says:

Very important balance tip, thank you. If you check weight is back before taking stance with club on ground. !. get nice straight back 2. bend knees slightly 3. place club in position with forward, straight spine waist bend. Then the balance stays back on the feet and the back stays straight. Lastly you may have to shuffle forward or back to get club in right location behind the ball. This order means the back does not change its bend to position club.

Nels Anderson says:

Thank you. Important but overlooked too often.

D L says:

Good job Steve. I am 6’6” tend to weigh toe forward at address. This heel approach allows me to rotate and finish balanced.

Dave Hurley says:

This is just the best tip ever ????

Craig Donnellan says:

Such a brilliant explanation! I’ve been researching this concept recently but your is by FAR the best explanation I’ve come across. Thank you so much.

Martin Shaffer says:

When you place your weight on your ankles you will have dynamic balance..stressdr

nutloaf says:

Ben Hogan – 'The weight should be a bit more on the heels than on the balls of the feet, so if you wanted to you could lift your toes inside your shoes.' – Seems like Ben Hogan was the Man!!

Simmo says:

You’ve forgot his name because your also getting older!

Chad Allen says:

This could wreak my swing but I'll give it a go!

Mike Rodrick says:

Steve, I don't think you can be trusted with a secret!

stefan bush says:

Great post Steve. I've felt that I am too far forward at address and the heel lift check confirmed it. This is a point which I've not seen anywhere else. ?

Craig Clemans says:

Balance is a problem for me. Trying to emulate Hogan's swing. He had weight mostly on his heels correct?

David Change says:

Nice tip. I have been working on it before I saw this video. Like anything you have to adapt it to your swing but I am liking the concept. Weight in the toes can cause a lot of problems as you describe. Just look at the left foot of any (right-handed) pro through and after impact. You can almost always see a whole lot of spikes. Cheers

richy clubsport says:

Never heard this before, it makes sense, just took some practice swings setting up with more weight on heels, got to say feels more balanced, I'll see what happens when i go to the range and try it tomorrow

Jason Kim says:

Thanks for another great lesson. I have been watching a lot of Sergio Garcia swing videos and he seems to be more on his heels as well.

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