Industry BMX | Taylor Made Frame Promo

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Hello Viewers!

So you've seen the teaser for this video part, and I'm happy to announce its finally live! Although a little later then wanted, due to slow upload speeds. So apologies about that!

Anyway I'm stoked with the work I've put into this edit, and I hope you guys enjoy watching it!

I feel I should say a thank to a few people, as this video wouldn't have been possible without their kind help:

Jerry at Rush Skatepark, Jason at Barrows Skatepark, Matt Jones for letting us use his compound, Sebastian Keep, Darren Ellison (Dellison27), and anyone else I've forgotten to mention!

My frame is now available to purchase along with other various bike products at | |

Be sure to follow our Instagram as well : theindustrybmx

Let me know in the comments box below what you think of the video! Give the video a like and subscribe if you haven't yet as well, it's always appreciated!

Go follow my social media accounts to keep updated with what I'm getting up to!

@bmxsnapper – Snapchat

@ryantaylorbmx – Instagram – Facebook


Filming & Editing credit: Scott Pattenden
Additional Filming credit: Greg Childs

@scott_pattenden – Instagram

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  • Views:3,391 views
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  • Categories: Taylor made


Jake Best says:

did NOT expect a double flair after that 3 bar

Renan .D . schultz says:

drop flair very sick ! OMG

Brian says:

Aj Anaya diliked this video

Jay Dalton BMX says:

Double flair mid-video. No big deal.

Mr Beats says:

I need them nooow

BillyD1_BMX says:

Web edit of the year 2015.

Alfy Pointer says:


JakeMmedia says:

This is amazing well done bro

BACONcOBb says:

My name is cobb

Wilson Ronaldo says:

Anyone See How Scared The Dog Got When He Did The Double Flair! Hahaha

Kyle Dawson says:

Great job man!

Daniel Jackson says:

whats this for a helmet

Samster Smith says:


Matty Duffy says:

Super rad :)

Euanwalshbmx says:


josh stockill says:

What a great video

ReadyBMXer - Reyn H. says:

The double flair!

Kieran Trippick says:


jacob steadman says:

Goes in

Олег Дмитриевич says:


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