Lead Arm Pull vs. Trail Arm Push – Golf Swing Basics – IMPACT SNAP

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We all fall on the spectrum of swingers to pushers. Davis Love was more a lead arm swinger for example. And Lee Trevino was more of a trail arm pusher. Most of us fall somewhere in between. This drill helps my students better feel proper mechanics for both arms.

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Welcome to the IMPACT SNAP YouTube channel. We love golf and want to share our expertise, tips and passion for the game with the rest of the world. Instruction is brought to you by Marty Nowicki, 4-Time PGA Teacher of the Year winner and proud owner of the IMPACT SNAP golf training aid.

If you would like to buy our training aid visit www.impactsnap.com


rickie hager says:

I used to be a very good player, but I tinkered too much and lost my feel for the swing. Thanks to the Impact Snap I can feel my release again. Great product!

Jacob R says:

Now that I'm watching this again. Both arms are pulling motion technically? Especially from the transition whether it's the lead arm or the trail arm they're both a pulling motion. If you put a resistance band at the end of a club there's no way you're trying to push out in a different direction. There's definitely a pool then the momentum as the momentum gets going then these other elements can come in

shooter7a says:

I literally was hitting like crap today at the range, and I somehow realized I was pushing too hard with my dominant arm. As soon as I started pulling a bit from the top my ball striking got 10x better. I also think it is very hard to hit an iron well if you dont start your downswing with a good lead arm pull. Lag is much more natural with lead arm pull.

Thomas Fraser says:

The human brain can only acknowledge either a push or a pulling with our body.

For the downswing; you should pull the butt of the club toward the ball. Remember, this pulling down is done by the left arm. It's the controlling agent, and if you let it be you will escape the many troubles that result from trying to push the club down or throw the club from the top with the right hand and the right shoulder.


David Laville says:

It's called a 4 barrel swing.

Chase Blossom says:

Lee Trevino specifically says he's a lead arm puller. The same way you'd throw a frisbee. "When I hit the ball, I like to think I'm backhanding a wall with my left hand".

Chester Micek says:

This is good stuff. I started thinking about this two years ago, but had no idea how to execute it or train to do it. That said, I knew that the guys who used the lead arm only were missing out on so much power. So, I went to a right shoulder driven hockey style swing. That gave me more power, then I bought your Impact Snap tool and started a both-shoulders shoulder turn and a both-hips hip turn. For example, I'm coordinated enough to kick my left hip back & around while I push my right hip down & around. Similarly, I can drive my right shoulder down & around while I drive my left back & around. I'll practice this with my Impact Snap tool & my driveway mat & net before I head to the driving range. I can feel the speed gain & see the difference in the mirror.

77bovi says:

Hi Marty, could you please help clarify where supination happens? From the dtl view with the 2 sticks, dont perceive any supination happening, looks like a forward thurst. Grateful

Pete says:

I think it is more accurate (and gives a better sense of the power generated) to say "thrower" rather than "pusher" with the trail arm. Most golfers playing right handed will be right side dominant, so when it comes to throwing a ball or skimming a stone they would use their right hand/arm rather than "backhand" ball or stone with their weaker left. There may be a convincing reason why instructors teach golfers to backhand/pull with their weaker side rather than use their natural strength but I've yet to see it.

Ron Driggers says:

Excellent explanation of the pull vs push

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