Malaska Golf // Why "Turn Your Hips" is a Bad Concept in your Golf Swing

I am often told I am at odds with a lot of the golf industry with my instruction. And, yes, sometimes this is true. I believe that a major issue with how golfers are taught is the terminology or tasks we give them.

The idea of turning your hips in order to generate speed is a misconception, and it is one that if forced can end up hurting players.

Hip movement, centripetal force are key to directing the momentum of the golf club in your golf swing. But, it's not a turn.

Don't just play golf. Understand it.

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20 thoughts on “Malaska Golf // Why "Turn Your Hips" is a Bad Concept in your Golf Swing

  1. If Pete and repeat was on a boat and Pete fell off who would be left? I love how you talk to people like they’re complete idiots just to drive your point home. It obviously works.

  2. Wrong !!! You have to turn your hips or you will come across the ball with your arms and hood every shot terribly. Where did this guy come from.

  3. 6:11 haha. You can hear the monotony in his voice. Some one, some where, thought they were a big shot and lipped off to him without knowing who he is or what he has experienced.

  4. One day playing golf against you, chatting about your past, would be all I'd need.

    I do best off confirmation.

    Thanks for dedicating time to try and improve our game!

  5. Great advise- thanks for simplifying all the moves Mike. Terminology from the industry complicates what is actually happening. Love your videos.

  6. So pushing the trail hip back needs a resistance from below that point. Which would be pressure of the trail foot not going back to the heel but resisting against the trail hip going back.

  7. This is exactly my issue! Trying to turn my hips has gotten me WAY ahead of my swing, so I have been creating incredible slices. Time for change

  8. I respect Mike and what he says and does. However, I would like to provide a perspective from a 79 year old view. Much like a young person who starts hitting balls at the range using all right side/hands from the top, seniors are plagued by the same need for distance and revert back to the example of the young person. It is futile of course. In my quest for yards I have discovered the hips cured my distance issues by using my the sole generator of my swing. I bend over more from the waist, drop my hands at a more acute angle ( Lanny Wadkins) take the club back with my shoulders keeping the clubhead OUTSIDE the hands with hands very loose. At the top of the swing I turn my hips leaving the hands alone. It is magic for ME. Just sayin!

  9. Mike, is this all dependent on the players amount of internal hip rotation? If we compare two players with a good swing. One measures a lot of hip turn throughout the swing, and the other doesn't have much. Is it possible the difference is their ability to internally rotate their hips, or as you say it "push back" into the trail hip on the backswing – and "push back" into the lead hip at impact and through?

  10. This has really helped a ton. I've been trying to work on my hip movements and tendency to lift my trail heel on the downswing and this has really helped.

  11. The legs dont push the hips Malaska. Its the opposite. The hips are moved by the torso wich moves the legs. This is what makes the lead leg gain flex and the trail to lose flex

  12. Great explanation………not pushing the body where it should not go…brilliant!!!! My new practice drill is to put my feet and knees together and take swings. This really gets you to understand how the hips work without any manipulation. The feel can then be taken with a normal stance. Good stuff Mike.

  13. Mike, I want to say many thanks from me (Frank from the Netherlands).
    Since I am watching your videos and concept, things are finale falling in place. Keep up the good work

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