Mizuno JPX EZ TaylorMade RocketBladez

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Mizuno JPX EZ TaylorMade RocketBladez reviewed and compared with AskGolfGuru Mark Crossfield. Mark hits the mizuno JPX EZ power iron up against the TaylorMade RocketBladeZ iron with speed slot and power specs. See which of these golf clubs could help you hit the golf ball further and hit more greens. Play your best golf with improved golf equipment that helps you hit the best shots you can.

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  • Categories: Taylor made


Richard Sharpe says:

175 minus 163 is 8 yards? I thought we Americans were supposed to be bad
at math.

Martin Fern Picard says:

Hi Mark !
Sow you are saying , weder JPX EZ OR
THE ROCKET BLADE it should be a strat shot
If we a good strat shot … If we don’t lock at the
Distence ….

roguemodel says:

While the numbers for the clubs are different, the lofts are the same.
Mizuno uses stronger lofts on their irons, so a six in a rocket blade is a
seven in the EZ.

The Mad Rapper says:

Good video but I have to agree with nicobizle, u can’t really compare a 6
iron to 7 iron when u play with

Lloyd D says:

Taylormade has just produced the new irons for 2014 the speedBlade irons

Martin Moore says:

Great vids as usual. But agree with the guy below. Data charts need to be a
little bigger. A little small using my 17 inch laptop as well as my phone.
But keep up the great work. Ps I still like the chrome finish, won’t be
going for the ez’s, (and come on guys, orange??? give me blue any day) and
still loving my jpx 800 hd’s 🙂

Matt March says:

Mark, New Taylormade Speedblade is out. Please review when you can.

S Jan says:

Your data charts are too small…annoying

Grant Hilditch says:

Has the Mark Crossfield in the parallel universe got a YouTube channel? Has
he got any hair?. Love the vids

Richard Andrews says:

Listen to what mark says tm is cranked up!

Trev D says:

Bit of offset, that hosel has a different postcode!

52Willis52 says:

Hi Mark, enjoy all of your insight. What do you think about Ping’s new
s55’s? Would love to see a review! Keep up the good work.

B rad says:

Want to see a review of the 712 U driving iron and Callaway prototype
driving iron.

CaribSurfKing1 says:

Math not your forte

Liam Walker says:

175-163 = 12 yards

braxtonpatterson12 says:

Go to your little room again

OxKoR says:

I am look for clubs that dont help,me getting the ball in the air. Because
they go to high then. I like the looks of bladed irons but I am a high to
mid handicaper. I am also looking for forged irons because I like the feel
from them.

Dubskee says:

Those Mizuno irons are fugly

Mahavishnu80 says:

Mark, can you do a video on spine angle and how you maintain yours so well?

Willie says:

Mark, can you compare some of the newer GI type irons to an older, but
still current set. I’m thinking maybe the Ci11’s. I’d like to see how some
of the new tech compares to companies that only put out clubs every two
years compared to every year.

Brent Weaver says:

He has done videos on the Ci-11s and FG Tour irons. A D-100 review/compare
would be interesting. My guess is performance would be similar as with most
GI irons.

DesFlurane1960 says:

Hard to believe Mark couldn’t get two clubs the same number !

Jake Rommer says:

A carbon copy in a parallel universe! Do you watch ‘fringe’ by any chance?
If you don’t you should!

Christian Andersen says:

Try Wilson staff ions

Mark Crossfield says:

Bit confused with the 7 iron 6 iron comments. Ummmm that is not to hard to
get your head around is it.

Tim Dixon says:

What about comparing against Adams Idea V4 forged hybrid/iron mixed set?

Al Fisher says:

no ez lefthanded per mizuno

OxKoR says:

Can somebody help me? I am looking for clubs that dont help,you hetting the
ball in the air because I dont have problems,with th

damian1202001 says:

Excellent videos keep up the great work on YouTube.

themadman39 says:

Um i really dont know what clubs i should buy !

David Glass says:

Please do a video comparing trackman and gc2

Jan-Pierre Vidizzon says:

Love the videos, keep it up Mark! G25 irons vs. JPX EZ?

Jason Perry says:

Swingbyte 2 review vs. others & compared to gc2 hmt PLEASE!!!!

LilFinga says:

sneaky typo in there Mark, jpX not jpZ

GraveHeatran says:

Taylormade speedblades? thoughts Mark?

Alejandro Valdivia says:

Can you please do a review of the AMP Cell Pro Irons

mick mueller says:

I notice those are almost exactly the same numbers on the 7 iron from a vid
of Burner 09 irons. Probably the balls, huh?

mumpfpabla says:

try switching to 1080p and fullscreen

3rdgroove says:

1) Very hard to decipher those flight numbers. Can you make them bigger
please? 2) Loving the overlaying ball flight picture. 3) How about a test
on forgivingness: Have a high handicapper hit off centered shots and see
where the balls end up compared to a blade. 4) Thanks!

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