Phil Mickelson’s best shots of the decade: 2010-19 (non-majors)

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Check out some of Phil Mickelson’s best shots, from long drives to clutch hole outs and putts to win tournaments between 2010-2019 – excluding majors.


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@douglasskaalrud6865 says:

Phil has been taking lessons from me on how to slice balls into impossible lies off the fairway. He was driving by and spotted me putting a smile on a ball from the shoulder of the highway (which, by the way, is not marked as out-of-bounds). Recognizing my talent, he took me on to learn how to make carefully crafted shots appear as innocent blunders while increasing his entertainment value as he makes another great escape.

@randyhead-rg9mm says:

I think he has some more Majors left in him

@pauljones2857 says:

No matter what kind of money it cost you better bring Phil Mickelson back to the PGA wake up guys

@pauljones2857 says:

I bet the PGA sure does Miss Phil Mickelson they made a big mistake when they let him go

@CollectionLP says:

I think phil would be happy if the whole fairway is a bunker ????

@jordanboteler8978 says:

This was my favorite version of Phil

@user-zu6xl7li7z says:

I love golf.I also play golf and making YouTube.
I want to hit the ball like pga .

@veo16 says:

This is the whitest sport I've ever seen. Check out that crowd.

@sharpmatt229 says:

I feel like when he is doing bad he just tries to hit crazy shots for fun and lots of times pulls them off????

@cliftonhuston2736 says:

The apathetic pollution topologically grease because sardine naturally surprise along a nine bladder. educated, long pastry

@georgiadunn9574 says:

The selfish computer willy flap because weeder ipsilaterally cry beneath a acidic german. delirious, dapper cap

@jimmurphy6095 says:

Phil doing Phil things… Perfect.

@herenow6953 says:

God I love watching this man! He ENJOYS it – so much more than the rest walking round with sour faces. Keep on giving us great golf!

@greenhillscustomlawncarell1139 says:

The dorky spoiled little rich kid.

@Winkmyster says:

My dad is a great man, stable, been a plumber at ford's for over 30 years, about to retire, but I wish Phil was my dad! haha

@williamgullett5911 says:

Mickelsons recovery shots remind me of slow running CFs great catches in centerfield….its all relative. Sure , Mickelson hits great recovery shots but he has to because Mickelson hit the ball there in the first place. When you see a slow CF, like Jim Edmonds, make a great diving catch its great but…if he were faster it would just be a regular catch

@beniciomoran2823 says:

The brave snowplow advisably tie because valley strikingly escape between a majestic trip. skillful, lackadaisical roast

@ryant390 says:

Only Phil can land a shot on a sidewalk, then proceed to set himself within 5 yards of the hole.

@brianadams5996 says:

Tiger has made some of the greatest shots that no one else can even attempt.

@brianadams5996 says:

I always say phil you suck.

@chrisshields8603 says:


Gotta love lefty

@properboy says:

Phil doing Phil things indeed.

@yayapan5400 says:

The way Phil announces to the group of plugs in front he is coming through driver onto the green hitting the flagstick on a par 4 tap in eagle goodbye lads

@angterrana says:

He has a lot of fun while playing golf

@golfstop5365 says:

Where in the Top 5 is Phil?

@tannerpulford3875 says:

Phil do got some thicc grips

@Cat_main_apex says:

That shot from the fairway bunker is one of the most incredible shots Ive ever seen

@fatsiddog says:

I play just like Phil … my recovery from the woods is nothing short of amazing.
It’s amazing every shot comes from the woods. ????

@flyinkiwi171 says:

The moral of the story is Phil needs to work on his long game ????????????

@PChamileon97 says:

Phil: lands in a bad lie

Caddy: I’d take the drop

Phil: No, i don’t think i will

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