PING Drivers Review, Test & Comparison | G410 LST, G400 LST, G LST, G30 LST | Trackman Test

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PING has been one of the best golf equipment manufacturers for decades, and it especially shows in its drivers. In this exclusive video, 2nd Swing's Thomas Campbell and Drew Mahowald put PING's driver technology from the past four generations to the test using Trackman technology. This #PING #drivers test and #comparison includes the G410 LST, G400 LST, G LST, and G30 LST.

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Gerdon Karakosta says:

I bet those numbers will reverse if you start with g410 and finish with g30 ….

Kevin Connolly says:

take that bad miss hit out of the G30 and the fact it was first to use it's still a great driver

Mick McClary says:

Are LST models ladies

mcappello30 says:

I thought adding loft opens the club face slightly??

S S. says:

I love my G30 LST, It's made a longest drive in every T-off in my group gang.

Bruce Seaman says:

Was thinking of changing my G but £400+ for 1 extra yard carry…..dont think so

xNIKEGOLFx says:

To me, the sound on the G400 is MILES better

LouKayne says:

Love the Drew and Tom vids! Much better than the older style video. Keep it up boys!

D D says:

Wish there was a store in UT.

Wayne Swisher says:

How different would the SFT models compare

MidLifeBiker says:

I have the G400sft and G410 max. I have increased the loft by +1 on the max but flat setting. Annoying Ping changed the hozels so cant swap shafts to do true comparison. Both have stiff, 410 goes 5+ meters further.

Aly's Golf Studio says:

I have had two ping drivers recently – the g30 then the g400. Pity you did not yet have the g425 to compare with. Unfortunately for various reasons I have had better consistency but also preferred the looks, feel and sound of other brands so have since switched out of ping altogether.

dej lre says:

I am amazed by Thomas’s consistentcy shot to shot. Has he played any of the tours? He is perfect for these club against club testing and reviews.

Mike Camire says:

Take out the mishits and there is almost no difference in any of these clubs. Maybe 2 or 3 yards.

David Pearson says:

I have the G400 max won’t be changing anytime soon

Tom Levier says:

I love my G400 driver. Had it a year now and no complaints.

Narendra Dhaneswara says:

Nice review.

G LST and G400 LST is very interesting.

kris bretz says:

The ping g410 is probably the best driver I’ve ever owned. The feel, forgiveness and sound is just incredible.

Johnny Penso says:

Adjust for the differences in club head speed and those drivers are virtually identical and certainly in the hands of us 90-100mph golfers they would be.

Tinus Nel says:

Great review! Really nothing between them. On the course you would struggle to find anything there. Maybe in terms of forgiveness? Will definitely have a look at Ping when i decide its time to replace my driver.

Frank Mayes says:

Uuugghhhh….. another club review without a shot tracer…. come on guys.. otherwise great video.

Kaleb Walter says:

Changing the loft sleeve to +0.06 changes the face angle by about 0.09 closed. It changes the static loft by Nothing.

Too much misconception out there that the actual loft changes by the adapter somehow tilting the head back

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