RotaryConnect Proper Golf Swing Backswing Video – Backswing Plane Drills

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Click the link above to learn how to make the PERFECT Backswing like Master's Winner Adam Scott and Tiger Woods! Free video!

How to use the RotaryConnect to train the arms in the golf backswing. Learn a proper golf backswing plane with this simple backswing drill and master the backswing fundamentals.

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Tony Hooper says:

where do I get a set of cuffs?

bmbertges says:

Hey I can’t find this rotary connect on your website. Any help would be

Liam McDonnell says:

Hey Chuck, I’m a bit of a hip spinner and come very steep with driver
(marks all over crown). Understand the aid will help with spinning hip, but
can it help with steep driver swing, can’t shallow it out no matter how
hard I practice. Golf Instruction says:

Keith, you can order them on the website and have them shipped.

Clayton Alspaugh says:

Hey Chuck, I am a 2 handicap and I have a question… What makes the hiss
that you hear in like a 3 wood shot, I know it’s compression but, I would
like to know if that is when the club is coming into the ground steeper or
if it’s more along the ground? Thanks

Clayton Alspaugh says:

@cquinton What is the highest lofted club that you hear that hiss we were
talking about?

Clayton Alspaugh says:

@cquinton So what youre are saying is when the ball is moving a little
faster you can hear it as much or if it moves faster down range you hear it
more? I have heard good players that hit the ball way far have the hiss on
like their 6 iron. I just want to know how I could get that hiss a lot more
often. Golf Instruction says:

Yes, when you spin the shoulders the arms will often come over the top and
create a steep angle of attack. By fixing one, you will also fix the other.
Good Luck!! ~Clay Ballard

PrestoGolf says:

WOW!!! Simple, inexpensive and efficient Training Aid for keeping the arms
connected together and in sync with the body in the golf swing.

SeeSeeGeePro says:

what’s the difference between this product and the medics perfect

tigerswede3 says:

I completely agree. I can hear hissing on almost every shot, with almost
every club, especially when I am swinging consistently. I sometimes use it
to gauge the angle and “squareness” of my impact. It’s a feeling for me…
snapping through impact for that great hiss down range. I know not
everyone’s shots hiss, and I guess I’ve never thought about it. I’m sure it
has to do with the Venturi Effect or Bernouli’s Principal maybe.

Clayton Alspaugh says:

@cquinton Then how come some times when you hit it really far it doesn’t
hiss? I love the sound but is there some way to get it everytime?

golfnff says:

Nice video thanks. I always take it too inside and then come over the top.
Hopefully this helps

BirdieBlues says:

are these avaiable in the Uk? cant find them on any website.

millenniumtech says:

RST is simple & effective! I encourage anyone who wants to improve their
ball striking, should try-out Rotary Swing, especially beginners & high

Keith Newton says:

Hi chuck, great. video, where can we get this in England, thanks keith

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