Stop Flicking The Club At Impact! Awesome Drill – Swing Quest Series

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Stop Flicking The Club At Impact! Awesome Drill – Swing Quest Series

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I deliver straight talking, easy to follow, honest, professional, calculated advice to all of my viewers from beginner to tour pro. This tried and tested method of coaching has helped many golfers achieve their personal goals and beyond.


KDub says:

OUCH! This drill hurts! I for the life of me cannot not hit myself. It feels like I have to actively with so much wrist strength hold back my wrists and I am simply stiff arms with only body turn and my wrists are sore as hell

Dave Hurley says:

When I do this I hit a shank any advice pete ? ?

Mark Anderson says:

Great drill to stop me flipping and stopping my 2 way miss. Thanks Peter

Clifford Holliday says:

Had painful forearms and elbows, realise I'm a flicker. Will start this drill immediately. Thanks!

Matt Kittner says:

I have done this drill and countless others but I can’t seem to get the same feel with a full shot. I go right back to flipping. It has plagued me for years

Mark Watkinson says:

Good drill I’ll try that ?

Justin says:

This is the best drill and should be practiced even if you don’t flip. It’s easy because you don’t need to think too much.

David Thompson says:

Will find the appropriate drill size and go for this . I'm not a flicker by the way !

David Thompson says:

Do you do seminars in the south ?

Iain Daun says:

Like these tip videos. Would like to come get a lesson one day but live in London. Have tried a few visits of going to the driving range and found a lot more accurate on 30 to 50 odd yard chips using body rotation so thanks

Ben Hensley says:

That is so useful, I have a huge flick/scoop through impact. Using trackman it showed up that I put more loft on my 8 iron than the comparison golfer (who admittedly was a pro) had on his 9 iron and even wedge! I’m in need of a drill to fix it, just don’t have an alignment stick.

bagdiil says:

Is that Rick looking through the glass of the door @ 1:54 ? xD

Robbie S says:

Peter – you are at your best when you are teaching and sharing it with us. I do enjoy your golf matches around the world for their entertainment value and its good to follow your excellent golf swing wherever it takes you, but your teaching sessions are second to none.  Robbie Sprague

Jack Ryan says:

does the alignement stick literally fit in the butt of the grip? if not is there a correct way to hold the stick with the hands whilst swinging? cheers

Haslam Golf says:

Can you do a video on properly reading greens? It is something I have really struggled with for as long as Ive played golf. I don’t know of any drills I can work on other than just practice on any particular green. I really appreciate the knowledge oh wise one. Thanks for your hard work!

Haslam Golf says:

Love the stuff Pete! Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Hands down the best YouTube golf instructor in my opinion.

Maxim Beauregard says:

This drill gave me my distance back. Thanks a lot Pete.

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