TaylorMade SIM2 Driver Review | Trackman Testing & Feedback

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The TaylorMade SIM2 driver features all-new Forged Ring Construction designed to provide supreme stability of the clubhead through impact, regardless of where contact is made on the clubface. This, combined with proven innovations such as Twist Face and the Inertia Generator, make the TaylorMade SIM2 driver one of the best available in 2021.

In this video, 2nd Swing's Drew Mahowald and Thomas Campbell do some initial testing and fitting with the TaylorMade SIM2 driver.

Shop TaylorMade drivers at 2nd Swing: https://www.2ndswing.com/taylormade/golf-drivers/

Schedule an award-winning Tour Van club fitting for a new TaylorMade SIM2 driver at 2nd Swing: http://fitting.2ndswing.info/


@peterluppi3193 says:

Does lowering your degree loft do u hit it further ?

@raqeebru says:

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@Not884 says:

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@mitchellsimonet298 says:

Does anyone else notice how the center of the face is extremely heel side relative to the footprint of the crown in these drivers? If you have one, hold the head so the face is pointing towards the sky and you will see the center is extremely heel side. not saying it's a bad thing, but definitely something I noticed right away. Taylormade have been doing this since M4 really, and it has gradually gotten more and more heel side through the years.

@anthonybennett4274 says:

what is the chances of callaway b21 against taylormade sim2 d driver

@djneary says:

Thomas, your spin loft was in a crazy good window when you lofted it down to 8.5. Drop Bombs bro!

@mikerobertson3455 says:

Wow! Awesome review and I like that you made tweaks mid-session to unlock your best. I was sold on Radspeed but now this….

Keep the videos coming!

@donsmnc5319 says:

Impressive group on those 3. Question is does this new model actually go farther than last year’s model? And has more forgiveness?

@banditbaker1675 says:

Great hitting Thomas and both of your reactions were priceless, well done????

@shawnkislenger3024 says:

Thomas was crushing it!

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