The BEST Taylormade Driver YOU Can BUY?

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In a World where drivers now cost £600, is this SIM 2 still the best driver made by Taylormade at a fraction of the cost.

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Seed Golf –



@dustinjohnson267 says:

Are you getting the sim 2 max or max d. I’m a left that has natural fade

@kevmoore2148 says:

M6 is a beast

@milesotway4466 says:

From memory your Sim2 worked very well down wind for you… not so much into????! Have to say, I am still not convinced by the carbonwood changes from Taylormade so would agree this looks great for the money now.

@barrymuller5131 says:

This needs a little editing. You said Stealth twice when you meant Sim.

@nishantgurjer says:

SIM 2 MAXD DRIVER. Half the price & really stunning performance. Being gaming for more than a year.

@davidcooper3317 says:

Saved a fortune buying the G425 7 wood out of the states and it was brand new straight from Ping through Morton Golf. They still have some new hybrids but obviously it's getting a bit tougher to get one but what a golf club

@Shawn-fu3mp says:

Agree, Sim 2 is best design ever!

@davepalmerton2429 says:

Looks like a winner, Lee. Especially for the price.


Hi great review i just picked up a brand new SIM 2 MAX for 399 Canadian ( 290 US ) and can't wait till golf season…here in Canada the STEALTH 2 sells for 850 including tax so it was a no brainer was go with the 399 SIM 2 MAX…..I now feel validated after seeing this video….thx…..cheers from Canada

@johnfrancis757 says:

I've been looking at these for a while now, can't justify spanking £500 on a new driver (the wife would kill me), but £250 with a trade in for my current driver is ok…. but would it outperform my M4 with the exact same setup/shaft options?, that's the question!!!

@craig3775 says:

I would buy one if they made one out of wood ????
My handicap is now 4 #gettingolder ????⛳️????‍♂️

@ahastar1141 says:

The thing I have realized with drivers is while each year they market their drivers towards everyone, the reality is most wont be a great fit for everyone nor will it improve upon what you had with a past good fit. For me the SIM OG was definitely the best fit, as it felt to me like it would never want to go left and kept my spin very low. This allowed me to hit a fairly straight ball to a small fade that worked perfectly. Big issue with the driver was that sliding weight port as thats where mine cracked. Was sent a sim2, which is a solid driver, but never quite got on the same with it like I did with the OG. In hidsight, I wish I would have asked for another sim OG but figured if they were offering the latest and greatest it would be an improvement on what I loved. Unfortunately it was not the case

@michaelbledsoe1060 says:

Agree 100%. I just bought a Titleist TSI1 in pristine condition, absolutely no blemishes, for a lot less than half of what it was new. Think twice before buying brand new.

@markhilton4920 says:

Yup got the stealth 2 hd on sat , tried every make when getting fitted it was most forgiving thing I’ve ever thwacked

@MrAnders1000 says:

I agree with looking at second hand clubs but I would rather look at the m2. Just as good but more forgiving

@markscott3267 says:

Agreed. I got the SIM 2 max new last year. Best driver I’ve ever owned.

@davidforbes368 says:

I had the Sim2 driver and I was quite pleased,I then read up on the stealth HD,I traded it in and with discount I payed one hundred and twenty pounds for the stealth HD at accident I cranked it up to 12 degrees boom really straight penetrating flight up to 220yards, at seventy nine I am well pleased.

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