2013 Club Test: TaylorMade SLDR vs TaylorMade R1 Driver

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We compare and contrast the two top-selling TaylorMade drivers of 2013, the R1 and the new SLDR (or Slider) driver with the help of Al Badia Golf Club's teaching professional, Ed Chapman

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samiam1150 says:

Most amateurs would be better off taking the driver out of the bag and
using a 3 wood as their driver. The three wood is almost as long and far
more controllable. A second shot from the fairway will travel much further
that a second shot from the rough or woods.

Michael Borden says:

I hate it when people call the SLDR, ‘ the slider,’ No idea why, but man do
I love this club!

Ian Blackburn says:

Hi you mentioned you would state the numbers on each but didn’t. We’re
there big differences and watch we’re the main ones please?

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