5 Simple Steps to a Great Golf Swing

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Golf Life TV features TOP 100 Teacher Gale Peterson with a golf lesson everyone can improve from. Build your golf swing from the ground up with 5 steps.

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Christa Merritt says:

Forgive me if this is a silly question, but I am ambidextrous. But I started golfing right handed and it doesn't seem like a natural movement. But left handed it does. I write with my left and throw with my left but do every other sport with my right hand. Would it be recommended to start golfing lefty?

Angel S says:

I can barely hit the ball properly. I hope this helps.

Izhar Mahat says:

very useful..

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This is a very informative video! Thank you! I think it will help a lot more ladies golfers improve.
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Whisky Kilo says:

hey ma'm…i've watched this video umpteen times and i never get tired of it….great help. thanks a lot

Elijah Thomas says:

best teacher

alan harris says:

oft. to try this one..

guitarzrawsome says:

So as I'm following through with my swing about to hit the ball, should I "cock my wrist" and feel the hit with my wrist, or should I feel the hit with my arms and shoulder? Also, when I'm swinging, do I try and swing as hard as I can or just smooth and swift and let the driver or club do all the work?

Brian Thompson says:

how do I keep from bending my left elbo or is that ok

Luis Sarasola says:

Video especial para mi buen amigo Aurelio Fariñas

CG Mat says:

Excellent drill for ball striking

CG Mat says:

Excellent breakdown of the swing in simple terms to get best results!

David Marks says:

I guess the trick is trying to remember all those steps. So far I found keeping a nice soft grip stay relaxed and swing through without body stress, has worked for me . I am about to head to the driving range in just under an hour. 🙂

I am a real newbee, and last time I was there I must of missed the ball 50 times in a row. Then the manager of the golf range told me to hit the ball like a lady, and after that I didn't miss the ball once and made some nice contact, sounded great.

Thanks for the tips

windelle alexander says:

that was some amazing swings?

Rodney Butterfield says:

This is one of the best learning sequences I have ever seen. Been a very average player for 45 yrs and I think these tips will help for sure thank you !

Rodney Freed says:

very helpful for this occasional golfer

Alya B. says:

Nice tips..can you give comment on my daughter swing and posture

thirdy8special says:

agreed, they kept changing the camera angle at impact when it would have been better to have kept the face-on view, at least most of the time, to see the weight transfer. WT is probably the most misunderstood problem in golf. i wish someone had taught me about WT when I was young….still fumbling to get it right.

dbossmx says:

good tips. well done.

Tim Halloran says:

No anticipation of impact – that's a good point!

Herman Garcia says:

When I hit the ball, it flys out right instead of going straight. How can I fix that?

Jack Singleton says:

Gail I'm a Stage 4 metastatic cancer survivor….. it hit in my 30's & I survived but it wrecked my body……. Before the illness I was self taught……. I can't thank you enough for doing this video……. It's helped me So much…….

vvyz says:

i do not like how the camera view changes to show her from behind when she is hit the ball, you do not get to see her follow through from the back

Luhur Martowiredjo says:

wow nice information for your tutorial niece

Nuha Hamzah says:

Ms Gale, I want to say thank you to you, because of your video I can now swing my golf club. I started viewing your video when I have zero knowledge about golf..after watching your video, I improve allot on my golf stroke. You are very inspirational person in my life…thank you teacher.

Ronald Richardson says:

Great video! I wish we had youtube 40 years before now. I remember first, when I was 15, I had my first swing and it felt so great, of course it wasn't so accurate, but it felt dam fine. I thought I can do better than that and I practised a lot. Each day I felt stronger, not only physically, but also mentally. Now iam full-time working as a professional golf trainer and advisor. One thing that i didn't knew back then, was that you also need to improve your body muscles in order to play golf very well. Muscles are very important! REMEMBER THAT! One of my close friends Susan Hills offers a very great guide on how to build lean muscles or improve them, also you'll learn how to increase your drive distance which is very important! Here's the link http://bit.ly/1mt6Pcr . Good luck!

golf swing tips nacho p says:

great swing watch my vídeo golf classes and suscribe

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