Can This ONE Simple Drill Fix Everything Wrong With Your Golf Swing?

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In this video, Steve shows how a right arm only rock skip style exercise helps a student fix 30 years of bad habits all at once!

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Timothy Pollock says:

A close examination of his takeaway shows the problem in that his hands were coming inside too quickly throwing the club onto too flat of a plane and limiting his true arc width which means that his connection was lacking in the early backswing leading to a downswing stall of the lower body, swing out to right field, and lack of compression. The "stone skipping" drill restored some actual true width to his backswing and allowed him to release through the ball.

Linda Powell says:

Jim Powell here.
As he is nearing the top of his backswing is when he should start his left side moving. Transitioning to the downswing he should throw the club down to the ball. The face will square up after the left side has moved toward the target. Using the feel of skipping a rock is fine. That does help in the downswing. The key in my opinion is to start the left side just before the downswing starts. Just let it happen. One other thing feel your right shoulder being back. Probably to much info here.

Ian Knight says:

The golfer in question ends up with a flying right elbow, which surely isn’t to be recommended! Before and after this drill he also collapses his left leg in the follow through.

Tom Blue Raven says:

I'm a natural lefty who golf's right. Any drills in using left arm for a drill. Such as a Frisbee drill on the swing or a backhanded tennis swing? I will try this drill anyway.

Gator Golf USA ?? says:


William MacDonald says:

Been using this for years it works, the other best is a swing fan.

Everett Urech says:

Is there a conflict in modern golf instruction concerning how and how much the shouders should be open at impact? In this golfer's example, the corrected swing was an early, very open shoulder position during impact. In Dr. Kwon's analysis based upon scientific measurements of ground forces in the swing, the shoulders should be slightly closed before coming into impact and then opened much later in the impact interval. He advocates a shift motion wherein even very early in the downswing the shoulders are still closing. I recall a video by Gregg McHatton that advocated the same thing, the closed shoulder position being carried into the beginning of the downswing resulting in their opening much later than is demonstrated in the golfer in this video. It seems the application of pressure into the ground by the feet of the golfer at the correct time and in the correct directions makes for a more powerful delivery of the club through the hitting area. It may be argued that the early opening of the shoulders dissipates the full amount of power that could be delivered at tmpact.

When Mullet says:

Love the video, can't listen to it with the background music. Please, please, please… asking nicely, lose the music when you are talking.

georgia may says:

The right arm drill has done wonders for me over the past couple of years Steve.. great input .. thank you.

Edward Helmer says:

Stack and tilt? Looks that way….good swing however!

icu Rad says:

In my case, this drill will not fix everything wrong with my swing, only a part of it,,, still have to work on Grip,Alignment, Balance,weight shift,due in part to my Age, body type and flexibility, but the concept is good

stephen johnson says:

Well done. Was he to close to the ball? It looks like in the drill he is 2 or so inches outside the ball. Just curious.

jay dubeck says:

He is still pulling with the hands in transition. He doesn't lead with the "step" as Austin and you suggest. You can see this by the big separation in his elbows at lead arm parallel in the D.S. You can play this way but it will be a struggle just a different one then he had before. He needs to transition earlier using the " step" before the attempt at the " throw".

Thomas Franta says:

Great Drill THX!

Антонина Беспалова says:


Philip Lusardi says:

Thanks for the lesson. Great job!

chillier says:

Nice and simple

Robert Bruno says:

Thanks Steve. Makes absolute sense. Now just have to try and stick with it.

Dave Rao says:

Another great lesson, and I really mean it.

Medicare on Video says:

Will try! I make good contact but distance is terrible 🙁

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