Gravity Golf Short Game Lesson – “The Pre-set”

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If you want to feel what it's like to have soft hands and amazing touch around the greens, watch this video!

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broadoak2006 says:

Hi Danny, Gravity Golf is helping me to get my handicap dramatically
reduced, I think the system and your videos are inspirational and so easy
to follow and implement. In your dad’s video ‘Golf Lesson in Short Game –
Gravity Golf’ he recommends moving your chest cavity to the left (I am
right handed) -is this something you would also advocate as well as loading
back the trailing hip? many thanks Martin (from England)

Matt Bergstrom says:

Silver Creek Palm Springs?

peter mies says:

this was terrific Danny…fixed all of my chipping issues…plus I have
been finding that there are many other shots from 60 yds in that become
very simple using the pre-set… seems to eliminate all variables and
the swing becomes a back and through motion…

Mashie niblick says:

Hi Danny, Have you done a basic pitch lesson yet? A typical 50 – 60 yard
wedge shot? I would really appreciate your video instruction on how to play
this shot. Also the basic greenside bunker shot would be great!

rono8275 says:

Your sound started echoing at 3:20.

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