Hit LESS Practice Balls and Play Better Golf

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Practice Less and Play Better Golf
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Rick delivers straight talking, easy to follow, honest, professional, calculated advice to all of his viewers from beginner to tour pro. This tried and tested method of coaching has helped many golfers achieve their personal goals and beyond.

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Seamus Griffin says:

Who was it advised ‘practice golf like you are being paid by the hour’ ?

Rick Shiels PGA says:

Hit LESS Practice Balls and Play Better Golf

Derek Shorrock says:

My playing partner and I go to golf range and play our course in our heads
so hit say driver on first hole if we hit it well it leaves a wedge so we
would hit a wedge next to a flag if we hit it badly we think where would
that be on the course right we need 7 iron with a little draw to avoid
bunker and try to hit that next, we give ourselves 2 putts on every hole
and keep score since we starting doing this we have definitely improved

Cace Smith says:

Great video Rick! This is definitely something I’ve been thinking a lot
about lately with my practice. Traditionally I’ll go to the range and hit
two large buckets. By the time I’m done with a session I’m drained and
typically don’t feel I’ve accomplished much. This video was well-timed,
sir. Appreciate it! BTW…Florida looks good on you and Pete! :)

SirBigSpur06 says:

This kind of goes along with what you’re saying Rick, but what I like to do
is think about a course I’ve played or plan on playing again soon and hit
shots just like I would if I was there. If first hole is a short par 4,
hit a long iron or fairway wood. If you hook your shot and a similar shot
on the course would leave you with an odd angle into a flag with very
little green to work with, I’d hit a high pitching wedge or whatever shot
is required. I go through the front or back 9 of a course when I practice
(leaving out putts obviously). I take my time in between shot and really
think about them like I would if the shot mattered. This has really helped
me. Great video again… Cheers!

theolsons says:

Love it … i have been doing mixed sessions lately … spending 1/2 my
time working on something specific (more of a draw with my driver, for
example) and i will hit about 100 balls on that specific thought. Still
taking my time, like on the course with each shot … aiming, aligning,
practicing, etc. Then the other 1/2 is mixing things up. different targets,
shaping shots, switching clubs, etc. I have seen a huge improvement in even
the last couple of months with this. i have cut my handicap in half … 12
down to a 6.7. What about doing a video like this for short game (chipping,
pitching, etc) and/or putting. keep the videos coming!!!

Robert Potter says:

How chilled out was you, dude?
Awesome vid! Something us amatures can all be accused of is practice
without structure.
I’m gonna combine this, with the warm up drills you did at Royal Lytham,
when you went with Mr Carter last year.
Could be a game changer!

James Littler says:

Best video so far. You’ve inspired me! It’s the range for me tonight.

40Rouge says:

Great tip.

On days where I just want to hit shots (and not work on a new technique), I
like to “play” a course on the range. I just go by my old scorecards that I
keep in my bag and play shots as if I were on the course. It’s gotten much
better recently, as I bought a Voice Caddy SC100 portable launch monitor
that I bring out to the range. I can hit my “tee shot”, get my yardages,
and play the next shot appropriately. My handicap has dropped drastically
since I started praticing this way, because I am simulating the courses I
play most often.

Peter Rodriguez says:

Great video. I will now only buy a small bucket at the range. 

gordon o'riordan says:

the only reason we hit balls so quickly at this time of year is to get
warm, good video I know I am guilty of speed practice

Mike Reiter says:

Great advice Rick

Marino Sullivan says:

Thanks Rick. When I go to the driving range I hit 90-120 golf balls. I see
my self getting better but mostly worst if that makes any sense. Only
started golfing about six months ago. Coming from playing basketball, where
putting up hundreds of shots makes you better. Golf is a different game I
love it.
Will definitely take your advice next time I go to the driving range. 

Fill Howell says:

Great video Rick! I always struggle to judge/trust the distance or flight
of range balls. Are there any rules for using range balls in the sense of
adding a certain % onto where the ball actually lands?
Anyone able to help?

GolfAddict13 says:

Hmm I agree about taking your time and varying shots but I don’t see
benefit of hitting a bad shot then changing club from a practise stand
point. Surely, you visualise the shot and if you fail to hit it you think
why then try to fix it immediately as not to lose the feelings you just

Matt Penta says:

I must say i am guilty of smashing ball after ball! But after watching this
video i am definitely going to take this on board and try it when i am on
the range next time!! Thanks Rick, keep up the amazing videos.

James Whelan says:

A teaching pro I used before he left my club gave me a pack of 52 playing
cards, all with a different shot written on, don’t use it as much as I
should, but does make practice less of a chore.

KHLthe2nd says:

Thank you for making this video! This also applies to my main game of
bowling. Practice is when you really think and work on things. 

Peter Edwards says:

Great video Rick, it’s something I’m much more aware of since our sessions
at the Trafford Centre. I now play the range as though its a course and it
REALLY helps. 

Michael Anderson says:

“I don’t know…. what am I doing? Am I learning practicing like this?’

Made me laugh!

Excellent video Rick!

Charlotte Spinazzé says:

Hi Rick, great video again! Could you explain why you recommend changing
club after each shot?

Kevin Dizon says:

great reality check rick. caught me guilty. awesome video.

Mark Hainsworth says:

Think about your practice!

Patrick Matian says:

Great piece of advice. I catch myself sometimes getting into that bad
practice mode. Will make a conscious effort to be better. Cheers Rick!

Dean Earle says:

I notice this when I’m on the range. Most good players take there time in
between shots and not smashing ball after ball. 

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