How I Change My Angle Of Attack Golf Lesson

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How I Change My Angle Of Attack Golf Lesson with Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru. Mark talks about how he changes his angle of attack for better golf strikes with his irons from the deck. Learn how your body works with the help of 3d KVest for a better understanding of how to control your golf shots.

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David Cullen says:

Very interesting video. Nicely explained and demonstrated.check this angle lol

Chris ODonoghue says:

This makes sense, but I think only because I’ve been using a kvest. I hit
down a lot on the ball (6 or 7 degrees) and the kvest numbers were almost
all converted to side bend

Tony Feminis says:

Hi Mark, I enjoyed the video. I really struggle to hit down. My average
aoa with 7I is about -1..I am a pretty good player and hit it really
straight especially with my driver. But, I hit my 7I about 150 yds. I
prefer to hit it lft. to rt. Is it that important to hit down -4 ish and
if so what should I try to do..? What you recommend in this video?
Thanks, appreciate your videos well done..tony

amfohr says:

When you bent to the right you are not actually rotating around your
upperspine, you MOVE your upperspine.

Mark Crossfield says:

How I change my angle of attack in my golf swing.

Mark Crossfield says:

How I change my angle of attack. Golf made easy with Mark Crossfield

9tube1 says:

Great info, well presented.

3rdgroove says:

I think he just wanted to demonstrate where the stretch in his back is so
he turned the other way for the camera to pick up. A bit confusing… or
else it would be what some people call “reverse K”

David Eaton says:

Think it’s something you need to feel rather than watch bit confusing

Ron Binder says:

i think the bigger problem for most people is that they fall with their
left shoulder and then they have a too high AOA 🙂 But great vid mark it´s
even for me as German really easy to get it!

Super1Matt1 says:

What do you think of golftec mark?

trent colburn says:

Great explanation Mark! It’s good to see some science around the “feel” of
the golf swing. I love the numbers. Trackman is awesome and I drool over
what it tells me. I really enjoyed the lesson about the subtle differences
of AOA vs body bend. Keep it up!

Terry Wright says:

Great video. A possible explanation for my hitting irons on the bottom of
the club.

Billy K says:

Why couldn’t I find this video 20 years ago!! Excellent!!! I only wish you
were in NY for me to take lessons

michaeljames92 says:

For driver, you could aim further right with ball further forward, hips
further forward to achieve a similar result of hitting up…

TheNYgolfer says:

AOA in good players is mostly the result of manipulating the release point
of the club. Release it late and the AOA will be more downward, Release it
early and the AOA will be less downward or even upwards. Tell the brain
which release you want to execute and it is amazing how your body will
respond ie: tell the brain you want an early release and it will figure out
that in order to hit UP on the ball your body better stay BEHIND the ball
(that doesn’t mean reverse pivot BTW). Try it in slo-mo

Super1Matt1 says:

BOOM!! Goes the brain

fnecj3 says:

Great video!

Jacob Gill says:

Sorry, accidentally hit post. Anyway I hit my drives under 30 yards in
height. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Masterrumann says:

I love the math in the golf swing, I’d really like to see more of it.
Because the math applies to not just one person, or even a few, these
numbers are a true read of a golf swing and it’s even better that they be
done with someone that has a more “textbook” swing. I think a lot of us
could benefit from more like this!

MasterVidTaker says:

Mark, I really enjoy your technical videos! Going to watch this vid at
least 1 more time!

joebonura79 says:

Mark, I’ve watched many of your videos and I think you explain things
better than most people do. I haven’t been playing golf for a year yet and
I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of what I’m doing wrong and
what I can do to fix my swing. I have a long way to go but your
explanations have helped a lot thanks and keep up the good work.

Scott Shields says:

Wish you would do more of these technical types of discussions. Great video
been a fan for years now!

kevinadi says:

Hi Mark, you mentioned that getting “behind” the ball helps you strike
better drivers while staying “on top” of the ball helps you strike better
irons. Can you use the “on top” of the ball movement with the driver and
move the ball forward in your stance to get that positive angle of attack,
essentially using the same type of spine angle movement for both driver and

Phát Trịnh says:

Like this tip

f10yd76 says:

Superb as usual!

Bryan Settle says:

Great video, Mark! Another great way to look at this is your transverse
plane (hips), or plane that separates upper and lower body, stays as level
as possible. People say to turn around your spine, which like you said is a
great “thought”, but really you want to turn your hips level. Which is what
happens when you take the hip bend out in the back swing and forward swing.

canefan17 says:

Thought you were going to bust out the robot there for a second – great vid

Tim Dixon says:

Great video, it looks like the better shot is when your left shoulder comes
under your chin whereas the other shot (hit on the up) is where the chin
and shoulder are separated and the chin further back and away from the

michael moss says:

Great video mark can see where things are not good in my swing

Masterrumann says:

You did a fantastic job of explaining the math.

matt H says:

Mark, Ive been told I hit too much down on the ball (-8 deg with all
clubs), which causes push slices because the club face hasn’t closed enough
due to strongly descending AOA. Can you please discuss why this happens and
how to fix it? Great to see more of a focus on AOA. Technology has shown
this has a major influence on ball flight, but it’s not given the same
amount of focus as plane and club face. Cheers.

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