Illegal Driver At Top Golf #golf

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Myo Min Thant says:

This is not real golfer

chayma yassin says:

Power of saytama ?

عبد الرحمان says:

انضرو أين وضع المضرب☠️?

Fikry Wahyu kurniawan says:

Hi my from indonesia?

bilger julien says:

What's the name of sneakers ?

Steven Griffiths says:

Look at his pants. I knew he couldn’t swing a golf club the moment I saw them

Cloudy AWANajaah says:

Ga liat. Lu liat ga?

jsowau says:

Well, that’s my Christmas present sorted?

Medo Ashraf says:

Free Palestini ??

Andres Garcia says:

Turned the club into the nutlifter3000

Yadira Ávila says:

Siéntese señor, las máquinas hacen todo ya ni para agacharte sirves, el humano cada ves más inservible. Más pelada i en la boca la quieren

Thanh Tùng Nguyễn says:

đánh golf hay bắn golf?

mohsen zareei says:



Bro used ultra extinct

Dau xanh says:

Coi bộ đánh golf sắp nhàn rồi ???

Newly Oldie says:

Many people aren't even welcomed for having clubs and not ever played?

jamesdond1 says:

It's not illegal, I know I hold the original patents on the device , as well as several other patents… It's so fun…

Black snipeZ says:

Bro enchanted his golf club with thorns 10000

darkangel says:

Where can I get one

Kgd says:

His driver got enchanted to full power knockback

How to create in illustrator says:

A cricket bat with this tech would be great.

TheClockLock says:

Man, thats was so unexpected?

LilMonster 7 says:

just say woman breath and cars don't

Allan Fonseca says:

Ta aqui o comentario que voce esperava dizendo que alguem pensou que era o @Rezendeevil kkk

Saionara barbosa Marques says:

O lapada em foi para em marte

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