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Try using a soft spiked ball sold at Dollar Stores
Loved Trevor’s coaching in this series almost as much as his fashion sense!
Like the balloon drill.. does it help the feel of driving the handle forward (de loft) @ impact ?
Been working with Trev for a few months on Skillest, can't recommend him enough. Super knowledgeable and his care factor for his students is second to none.
Another great video, this collaboration is pure gold
For full shots though should your arms go back variable distances with each club or just to your maximum ability with all clubs?
Weird question I know but one I come across a lot. Your opinion?
I’m loving these very slow and simple techniques.
He just blew my mind ?
Loose arms back – impact tighten
And also proves you don’t need to spend $$$ on tools to get better.
Very nice video. Will start this drill.
Very nice video! I really like the simple practice aids… The comment about relaxing is a skill is ?… loved the rattlesnake analogy!