Mizuno JPX900 Irons Comparison Review By Golfalot

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Comparing the JPX900 Hot Metal, Forged, and Tour irons to see the differences so you can decide which is best for you. Individual reviews at:
JPX900 Hot Metal: http://www.golfalot.com/equipment-reviews/mizuno-jpx900-hot-metal-irons-review-3639.aspx
JPX900 Forged: http://www.golfalot.com/equipment-reviews/mizuno-jpx900-forged-irons-review-3640.aspx
JPX900 Tour: http://www.golfalot.com/equipment-reviews/mizuno-jpx900-tour-irons-review-3641.aspx

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dads2006gt says:

I purchased the hot metal 4 – lob wedge. Been out twice with them and I'm thinking this relationship is going to work out just fine. This is my fifth season playing and the 80's or better is looking like a realistic goal this year.

Stuart Longair says:

Great review. I've just bought forged p to 7 and 4'5'6 in hotmetal.

Alan Parr says:

I still love the JPX 850 forged…, even the looks of them. So are the 900 forged really any better? Pls let me know. Thank you

Sodthong says:

I have the hot metal irons 6-PW, and love them.

Thomas Pettersson says:

Tried all three, fell in love with the Tour! Really nice pair of pants, btw!

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