The MOST POPULAR driver in the world VS its replacement | PING G430 Full Review

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I test the new PING G430 driver against the iconic club it replaces: the legendary PING G425!

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Chris Bright says:

Probably should try a different ball

Dave AD says:

I think that for Ping, The Legend is the G410. Definitely a driver ahead of its time that still fights over its weight class today.

Jimmy Culp says:

What the hell are you talking about? the 425 is heads above the 430! Must have good weed in the UK?

Julius Pierre Neri says:

The most fair and unbiased comparison

Shane Brown says:

Thanks for the review Pete. I've had the G425 max since launch and loved every minute of it. However, I won a G430 max in a raffle so I've sold the G425. I've heard they are pretty much the same but the G430 sounds miles better. Hopefully that's the case. If not, I guess I'll have a G430 for sale soon. ?

Jan Andersson says:

I have a Cobra F9 in my bag. I been testing Ping G430 and I might say it performs much better. They are almost in play every show, which I what I am struggling with my F9.
I am planing on testing the new Cobra AeroJet driver tomorrow to see if any of them end up as a new member in my bag

Nelly Nelson says:

Just got my g430 love it. I hated the g425 sound so could never use it. Had stealth which was one the best drivers I got on with but the spin was so low on miss hits would really punish me with dead duck hooks. So the extra spin for me on the g430 was a god send. Being a higher speed player around 160mph I didn't see any drop of in speed which was also a bonus as the stealth was the fastest I've used and tried for myself. Went from average carry of 250 to 274 well impressed.

Russell Case says:

Went to get the new Cobra Aerojet and was hugely disappointed…no control, balls all over the place. Hit the 430… first 5 shots landed within 5 yards of each other. No brainer….bought the 430.

Mike Pinder says:

After having a custom fit , trying the paradym,stealth 2 and the g430 I have to say the ping for me was far more consistent. Couldn't imagine spending £500 on a new driver though so after watching all the reviews I ended up picking up a brand new g425 max for £350. It was a no brainer, saving £150 and getting a club that's not only performing as well if not slightly better than the g430.

Tony Glasser says:

I'm excited because it allowed me to pick up a nice g425 for $250 US. Gotta live those early adopters that trade in lightly used great gear for newest stuff!

Dougie Reid says:

Great review Pete, the G425 Max is not leaving my bag anytime soon. Might be the best driver ever for a mid handicapper who hits all over the face and still get great results

Don Sloan says:

Finchy, could we see the dispersion data between the 425 LST and 430 LST? You said on the vid the 430 had "better carry and total distance" but it was slightly shorter on carry. I get the sound improvement but would love to see you quantify the dispersion. Great video as always!

trem1980 says:

Had a fitting tried all the top drivers. The ping was 12 yards longer and so straight

Jay Chu says:

If both 430 and 425 max are even…I’d still go 430 cuz the sound and feel is soooooooooooooooo much better and I think that’s what Ping did…they realized can’t make it perform any better

Simon Knowles says:

As always a great review and well produced content. The only issue I have and this is pretty consistent across all the top YouTube golf channels is that these drivers are generally being reviewed/hit by scratch golfers/pros that generally are suited to the low spin models which are not going to be suitable for 95% of golfers out there.

I would love the inclusion of an 8 handicap and 15 handicap for example to see what differences exist at those levels.

I think these latest driver releases are great but as always never worth updating last years model for the large percentage of golfers. Maybe change your driver once every 5 years and you will notice a slight improvement, but never worth the money year on year.

C Thompson says:

Just Hot Melt the g425 max/lst, reduce the backweight, and there's your acoustic fix.

Ryan Schultz says:

As someone who has enjoyed using the G-425 Max. I went & tested the new G-430 Max. And tbh, there wasn't much difference in performance from my current G-425 Max. And I'm not a fan of the new color scheme. But while I was there. The guy helping me recommended that I try the G-430 LST. And after only a few shots I was blown away!? All the forgiveness of my G-425 Max, with an additional 15-20 yards more distance.??‍♂️?? Now I just need to justify to my wife why I need a new driver.?

John jacobjingle says:

Too bad its doesnt sound as gd as its preforms?‍♂️. Sound matters and I DON'T KNOW WHY?

MarKey says:

Dog ugly. I'll wait at least another 5 years before replacing G425

christian casper says:

I went and got fitted this past weekend. Open to all drivers. The Ping G430 blew the other drivers away. It wasnt even close. Shot dispersion with with Ping was only 7 yards. Twenty shots, 7 yards!!!!

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