The real reason why you buy blades

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Andrew Taylor says:

Personally I love blades , but it's hard to not go with player helping irons. My swing speed is 90, my blades travel about 10-15 yards shorter than my cavity backs.

Cash940 says:

My wallet says I’m still using beginner clubs at $300 for now ?

Damon Williams says:

Go to the range 3-4 times a week. You'll hit your blades pure as hell, in around a month or 2. That's what I did years ago when I switched. I get a junior bucket (300 balls), 16 bucks, 1 or 2 of those a day, and you'll be good.

NatureBoyRicFlair says:

Where can we hit these to try them out? It’s just kinda risky buying them without knowing if I’ll even like them..

Jordy Beans says:

Great video, no takomo?

Jefferson Peters says:

You had me at two sets of clubs ❤

Derek Broughton says:

Can a 101,s draw

Torrance Names says:

Definitely thinking the 301 blend set for next year

Den Den says:

Takomos cost the same as big name brands in Africa

Wedge Wizard says:

Blades really aren’t hard to hit, there’s such a tiny differed between blades and cavity backs, the big difference is in flight characteristics. I like blades better, they flight nicer, feel better, my ball striking it tighter, spin more, easier to work and just fit my eye much better which in return gives me more confidence. %95 of the last 25 years I’ve played blades and only when I tried a set of bigger headed irons(AP2’s) did my distance control go to ? as well as ball striking. Everything was the same as far as shafts, length, lies, loft, grips, ect. Except dialing in distances seemed more difficult to not launch the ball to far on 3/4 shots, the ball had less spin and higher initial launch which I don’t like as a high ball hitter, they were harder to flight and shape seeing as they just wanted to fly straight and high making it hard to get to tucked pins and hit certain shot shapes when necessary. It’s more preference of what suits peoples eyes down at the ball and desired flight patterns for most decent players with decent swing speeds. These MB’s look pretty nice, I’d give them a try even though my last 7 or so sets have basically all been a version of titleist MB’s which I love and know very well.

Sabrina Andolpho says:


Casey Simmons says:

I would if you made them for lefties

Seth says:

Does anyone actually buy clubs from people openly insulting them?

Calvin Walters says:

When Brandon Herrera plays golf

Billy Swing’s says:

Send some sticks

EazyWheezy says:

Nah got my 301s 5 months in and I'm hitting it so pure now!!!

Water_feind says:

I’ve only been golfing about 4 years. My very first set of clubs was Ping i210 blades. I love them, I’ve tried cavity backs from other golfers and I can’t hit them to save my life

80 Million votes my ### says:

It would be nice if you set them down so we can look at them face on. But not knowing what they look like and nobody having them to hit. It would be nice if you could do that. Because if I like the look of them I would probably purchase them without even hitting them

Hooded Cobra says:

You wrong I bought two sets of blades lol P730 and P7TW

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