This Lag Drill Will FINALLY Get You That EFFORTLESS Power In Your Golf Swing

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This Lag Drill Will FINALLY Get You That EFFORTLESS Power In Your Golf Swing

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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11 thoughts on “This Lag Drill Will FINALLY Get You That EFFORTLESS Power In Your Golf Swing

  1. I'm 69 years old and have been playing golf for 57 years. I've watched countless self-help golf videos. THIS drill has made a greater impact on my driving distance than any other single drill I've ever tried. I've only worked with it during two practice sessions, but my driving average for my last round was 17 yds longer (247 vs. 230). I can't wait to get more comfortable with this new swing feel which, I think, will result in even greater distances. There's no single silver bullet for golf, but this drill comes close! THANKS!

  2. playing off a 8 handicap, decided to implement this drill and promised myself to stick to it on the range, tried it yesterday for the first, shanked alot, could you please help in what i could be doing wrong, thanks

  3. Just a observation. The action which is occurring but not being mentioned is the side bending action of the spine. All good ball strikers do it so reflexively they often don’t realize it but it is not something that most beginners do when swinging a club.

    Biomechanically the action is similar to the under arm tossing of a rock across the surface of a pond. If done at the top of the backswing you will observe by just side bending and doing nothing else it causes the shoulders to tilt more than the hips which swings the hands down and forward in an arc and causes the trail arm to tuck into the rib cage. What makes that move “magic” in the Harry Penick sense is that it is possible to side bent backwards while the shoulders are still being pulled forward by the club momentum in the backswing. When you isolate the side bend action you will discover it also creates a reflexive shifting of the hips laterally in reaction to the upper body mass moving backwards; the sub-conscious brain reacting to keep the body in balance over the feet just as it does when winding up to throw a ball with the trail arm.

    Pulling the hand down with side bend action against the forward inertia of the club head is what causes the shaft to bend and store potential energy from the backswing — the advantage of metal and carbon shafts vs. hickory Byron Nelson discovered. But to maintain that shaft bend and lag in the wrists it creates the laws of physics dictate that the hands need to keep trying to acceleration faster than the club head mass. That is accomplished in the swing of good ball strikers because in their downswings then progressively increase the amount of side bend.

    I came to realize this by analyzing videos of pro swings frame by frame. The more a golfer’s anatomy allows them to side bend in the downswing the more they can keep the hands pulling down against the inertia of the club head mass. In the swings of most recreational golfers which lack progressive side bend action the hands don’t keep accelerating faster than the club head mass resulting in the bend coming out of the shaft early in the downswing — casting.

  4. Loving the float load concept, looking forward to trying it. Doubt I will get 194 yd total with my 8 iron which seems silly long given the easy looking swing you did, but I know my numbers , so looking to see if gains are possible with seemingly less effort.
    I’ll report back and give you “ real world “ 64 yr old 6 HCap before and after… using range balls, top tracer tech ( pretty accurate for ball speeds) in cold Glasgow November weather, if I can float load with 4 layers of clothing on and my stiff old body and get gains.. you will hear about it !

  5. I can honestly say that once you get the hang of this it literally is game changing. I’m hitting everything 15-20 yards further with less effort. My low point is stillllll a little behind the ball but this tip cured my pull hooks! Any tips on doing this and getting a low point after the ball better?

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