This Training Aid LOCKS your WRISTS into the right position! DOES IT WORK?

This is a review of the Precision Impact Golf Training aid, which can move to lock the right wrist into flexion.

10 thoughts on “This Training Aid LOCKS your WRISTS into the right position! DOES IT WORK?

  1. Alresfy done ina simpler format…Greg Norman's "The Secret" 20 years old. Both of you still releasing early and not keeping hands forward of clubhead at Impact.

    Just take the damn thing off, swing without it, put it back on.

  2. A few swing modifications would help you with this. First, leave your weight neutral OR even slightly leaning forward on your back-swing, and second, rotate your body around to the left as you swing down, that will square up the club on its own. Lastly, don't over-hinge your wrist at the top of the back-swing because, as you mentioned, with that thing locking in place, the club will be too far from the ground causing you to drop down (too much) to touch the ground. This training aid is predominantly for a one plane swing which is rotational, and not linear..

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