Throw the Club OUT For Crazy Clubhead Speed!

Mike Austin described the golf swing as an ‘under up and out' feel and movement. In this video we discuss the ‘OUT' portion which gives us more clubhead speed, superior angle of attack, square solid contact, and more.

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28 thoughts on “Throw the Club OUT For Crazy Clubhead Speed!

  1. I hit the ball high with low spin. I hit up from 6 – 10 degrees. However, sometimes the spin is too low and the ball falls out of the sky. Usually a duck hook that costs me strokes. I know I can add loft to my driver, it's currently set at 7 degrees, but I don't want to give up the distance I gain from the low spinner. Do I just deal with the occasional drive that spins too low or do I find a happy medium with the loft setting on my driver? Or do I need to lower my attack angle without losing distance?

  2. Some instructor's are now teaching to add weight to the club head to increase the swing weight which increases smash factor. Do you recommend C9 or D0 vs D4 or D5?

  3. Mike Austin changed my game forever. I realized you can't ever throw the club early enough. Especially with the Driver and 3, 5, woods. (Well, you CAN but hope you know what I mean) Dragging the club is so detrimental to your swing. Try to hit a driver off the deck and 9/10 you will hit a slice. That means you are not releasing the clubhead early enough.

  4. Enjoyed the video but need clarification. I'm right handed and of course, should obtain a right handed unit. However, you mostly demonstrate it using your left hand. Any grip issues with using either hand to practice with considering it'll be a right-handed grip?

  5. Man this is dangerous…. any decent player should avoid this release feel. The only player it will help is the high handicap slicer. No great ball strikers release the club this way. You will hit it further, yes. But you will hit it crooked and get worse over time. Not trying to troll at all but this should be qualified the type of player this is for and the risks of over doing it.

  6. So, you know very well a 515 yard drive involves all kinds of abnormal conditions, which you don't even mention, so why even talk about the 515 yard drive?

  7. This seems to counter two major things that are consistently taught. The first is forward shaft lean, and the second is a tight right elbow.

    Interestingly, I’ve been trying to loosen up my wrists a lot, so coming across this video was a coincidence. Or serendipitous.. I guess I was always afraid that that whipping motion would cause more wild effects in my ball flight. But it definitely creates a more let relaxed swing. But timing is even more critical with loose wrists.

  8. Great Video!!! I have been working on this for a year and all my friends are ASTOUNDED by my gain in distance!!!! And I am 20 + years their senior!! Best instruction of this concept I have ever seen!!!

  9. I'm new to your channel. Find very informative. I tried this today and tried it before but I think backswing was not ok. Anyway throwing action o pushing out the club from you is another YT. A long driver from Sweden. Here is his video. In Swedish but you get watching his vid. It's self explanatory.

  10. Steve thanks for clearing up the misconception created by Shauger on the use of the hands. Thanks for all your efforts in this last year to clear up for everyone the Mike Austin swing techniques. Keep up the good work!

  11. I’ve been watching your videos for a couple of months now. I want to thank you for explaining in a very easy to understand way all the tiny secrets that are thoroughly glossed over by many PGA instructors and of course the major golf magazines. I haven’t seen tremendous distance changes but my swing w both irons and driver is a lot free-er and so my grip is softer, anxiety is lower, confidence is improved. I have a speed whoosh and will practice this move. Thank you very much!

  12. if you look at your instruction in slow are doing exactly what you say not to do..trail elbow leads the swing…I notice you never hit a ball with your casting motion

  13. I thought I sensed some Mike Austin action when I read the title. This all makes sense to me and has ever sense I started watching Mike on YouTube. I've got to try it.

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