Top 10 Drivers 2015

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Top 10 Drivers 2015
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Vici Martynov says:

Could mention that with all these fabulous new drivers coming out the old
models get massively discounted. Some real bargains out there. Last January
I bought 3 Nike Covert woods half price with teh introduction of Covert
2.0. With the introduction of Nike Vapor I have just bought a set of Nike
Forged Pro Combo irons half price (4-PW £350) and they are absolutely
gorgeous. Do you think the new model is worth twice the price of the old
model hmmmm; thought not he he

Nickee Dudley says:

i also wonder why your rating on the srixon was so low, when you tested it,
it seemed like it was your longest and strightest driver you have tested?

Alps P says:

Thanks rick, the new nike and r15 does look nice but this Xmas I opted to
buy the sldr and so far only used it a few times but it really is
amazing…..I’d definitely recommended this for those that don’t have a
huge budget for these newer models….I purchase the sldr based on a few I
your reviews and am very happy

jrhatcher1 says:

Rick, are you going to put any of these drivers in your bag?

NapCFA says:

Why buy the TM R15 now when you can buy the R16 or R17 when they come out
with that in a few months!! Yippie! Face-slots, speed-pockets, loft-up,
loft-down, moveable weight technology!! Gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!

TM reminds me of Gillette. How many razors do I need to shave my face? 3,
4, 5???
I’m waiting for the day TM puts a 9V battery inside their driver for added
spin-control, or whatever they will sell us next.

Eventually you have to stop buying gimmick and start taking lesson!

brett Wolvert says:

stay away from tailor-made. Just too little spin. I have a swing speed of
115-120 so I had no problem with the spin but it is the least forgiving
driver I have ever hit. Just went everywhere. the 915 will be even less
forgiving and the sliding weights moved outward won’t make too much of a
difference. Get something more forgiving and change the shaft up to get
your numbers right. Just ordered the Nike Vapor Pro driver and the Vapor
Speed in the 3 and 5 wood. I would definitely recommend these clubs to
everyone when they come out. Lucky for me I have a way to get them early

Joshua Payne says:

You hit the Srixon Z745 better than any other driver I’ve seen you review.
Why such a low rating?

Michael Rolton says:

Thanks Rick. Sadly, I don’t have Trafford United funding, so I will have to
‘make do and mend’ with my present driver.

Mathew Tuomey says:

Ive got 913 D3 with Diamana D+ 72 X stiff and had one shot yesterday of my
mates new 915 with Rogue 70 x, WOW I got shivers walking down the fairway
as I struck it so well. Just gotta bite the bullet and spend another £300
now?? Or do I try the R15/SLDR?

foo lee says:

hey Rick, thanks for this review because I am in the market right now and I
do like that you have Cobra in the mix.. have you done a review on the AMP
pro irons? I am looking at those irons pretty hard but can’t find them
anywhere to demo.

"Amateur" Golf Reviewer says:

Hi Rick

Great video and really interesting. This surprises me though. Why no i25?
For anyone who watches your videos it is still the one you hit the best and
longest so why no love on the course. It was not a driver i had considered
until it beat off everything you put it up against in 2014. When i tried it
myself i bought one as it is straight, low spinning and really long. Please
tell us why it never got in the bag and why it’s not in your top 10?. Will
be interesting. 

Matthew Knott says:

Loving the new background music! Anyway there’s an issue with your Srixon
comment, as you previously reviewed the z545 but talk about the z745 for
more advanced golfers (showing pictures of both). From my testing only the
Titleist d2 was slightly more forgiving than the z545.

Bill Johnson says:

I’m interested also on why the Srixon was not rated higher by you. After
your review I have been contemplating buying it but now I’m questioning
that. You seemed to hit the 545 further and straighter and with higher
balls speeds then any driver you tested. Why the lower rating??

Stephen Przybylski says:

Hey Rick i have a quick question. What do you think of the callaway diablo
octane driver? Im a mediocre golfer and was just wondering what you think
about this driver

Clay Fleming says:

Rick, have not hit the Cobra, Tmag, or Nike yet but I have to agree the
Titleist is long, hit my best drives ever with that club. As a current Bio
Cell Pro player I can’t wait to try the Cobra though before making a
purchase decision.

Actarus Que says:

How is it there is no more love for Nike products?

Vernon Hendon says:

Great job Rick as always. I really enjoy and trust your product reviews as
they are unbiased and “spot-on”! Keep up the great work.

Allan Crowder says:

Great picks and like your comments re Srixon, always liked their irons but
pricey here in Canada. We will see what comes along in spring.

Alan Mills says:

Great vid Rick, loved the production and commentary. 

Chris Mitchell says:

Rick, enjoying the videos. Thanks. Do you know if Callaway will introduce a
new driver replacing the XHot2 down the road or did the new Big Bertha line
replace them? Thanks

Jack Hsueh says:

i wonder that is there any chance to see you try the driver like Honma
or katana on you channel

George Rowe says:

love the vids keep up the awesome work and could u do a top 10
putters,fairway woods and wedges of 2014 because irons and driver top 10
vids were great

Micke Hämäläinen says:

Question, if the Titleist drivers are so good (both you and Peter Finch
seem to like it a lot) why haven´t you used it in any course vlogs? 

Phill Rudd says:

Some good clubs there Rick. Shame the Titliest comes with such a heavy
price tag though. 

Ric DeLand says:

When is the Cobra review restriction going to be lifted? Release is only a
couple of weeks away. I’m surprised they’re still limiting information.

Christian Vargas says:

Oh ya Alpha 815!! So dank :)

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