Top 5 Forgiving Irons For Mid to High Handicappers of 2024

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@DavidJohnson-dv1tw says:

I live in Iowa, USA. I can't even find the Kirkland branded clubs… any of them. Hats off to your connections, they must be close to a major golfing area that they had them stocked in at all. Little bit jealous lol. Keep the vids coming and thank you.

@jeh6560 says:

I'm surprised titleist 150/200 and mizuno aren't on here.

@brettboynton5625 says:

None of these irons are remotely in line for a high handicap golfer. If I’m not mistaken aren’t the Cobras available in an X model more suited for more forgiveness and slightly bigger profile? I recently hit a new set of 2022 Mavriks with the TT XP 95 shafts and retired my Ping G430’s. For $600 brand new they are bangers! The original iron had the MPH 95 shaft which in my opinion felt hard off the club face. This vid makes no sense.

@kbmadman says:

If the i525 is nearly as good good as the i230 irons then they would be awesome. I'm a high handicap golfer but I hit the ball fairly long I did a fitting and the game improvement irons just fly to far for me so I tried some of the players hollow body irons and found that the ping i230 is the pick of the bunch by far for me even better and easier to hit than all of the the game improvement irons I tried. Feel wise they matched the Mizuno 225 but we're alot more consistent strike and flight wise for me.

I haven't placed the order yet as I've got a wedding to pay for and they came in at $2300 Aus dollars. But I'm going standard lie, 1 degree stronger lofts.

I have been thinking about dropping i525 in at the 4,5 and 6 iron but I'm worried about gapping to the 7 iron

@philagnew810 says:

Callaway paradym ai smokeall day long !!!!! Great vid none the less ????????????

@doughoad3610 says:

This video leaves me confused when ping has the new i530 available and the feel and consistency is improved over the 525

@SilverfoxThe says:

And now there is an i530!

@Knickerson says:

For mid-high HCPers, don’t forget DTCs. So many great choices for irons. Takomo, Haywood, Edel, Sub 70. Shop those places as well. Great value and great clubs.

@jerrywilson5472 says:

Will getting fitted for 770 or 790 translate to the 101T. Reason I ask is i live in the states

@chrisgilligan4968 says:

I hit the Cobra, the P790 (and P770), the Ping as well as an offering from Callaway and eventually landed on the Titleist T200's. I'm a little surprised they aren't on your list – but they were the best of the bunch for me.

@dannyb1667 says:

I absolutely LOVE my Cobra Forged Tec irons. Great blend of feel, sound and distance.

@billlount2489 says:

Why do you never review titleist clubs?

@benbarratt570 says:

Had a recent iron fit and have to say my unpopular opinion is the P790s are the worst feeling and sounding golf clubs I’ve ever hit in my life. First shot sounded like a shank, second confirmed that’s what it does indeed sound like…*casually passes club back to fitter without saying much*

@benbarratt570 says:

Robbo, do this for non-hollow irons…

@arkadyromanov7803 says:

Literally got my forge tecs yesterday. Bought them on sale without testing (not wise but whatever) and loved them from the first strike.

@MASnycli says:

Top 5 forged hollow-body irons without the Mizuno 245! is this a joke? Seems like James has just given up trying and just spews out nonsense as quickly as he can. Too bad — used to like him a lot, but this is just silly.

@kellycoates5027 says:

Srixon zx5 mk2

@edwardbrown6245 says:

I just order the Taylor made QI HL irons 5-9 ..can’t wait to get them!

@mikejackson4910 says:

I find your lack of Srixons and Mizunos disturbing 😉

@tommiethatcher7265 says:

I could easily game all of those choices

@FLefty18 says:

Shoulda tried the Honma TX-W irons. Absolutely money clubs.

@Tomtiburon says:

I am a 30 hcp. I play taylormade rsi1. Should i switch to takomo 101 or 101T ? Thx????

@TheTall_Traveler says:

Honestly the t350s aren't in here

@jimmyjackson5605 says:

forged tec 2020 model one length just the ticket…….i wouldn't mind bagging the forged tec 2022 model they look sleek and more of a players iron with just that tad of juice????????????????????????

@arpus1995 says:

Is that the right PXG model? or is it the O311 T Gen 5? I searched 0133 T and nothing came up

@franklinniesterjr3812 says:

Actually, the TAYLORMADE ICW-11 was the first hollow-body club with a blade look. Circa 1992-93.

@stephenorourke2297 says:

Liked the video James

@davidthegolfer says:

I really enjoy your content day to day. I’m puzzled as to why you made a comparative program but with 7 & 8 irons.
Hard to draw conclusions from the numbers.

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