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Bunker Golf Lesson AskGolfGuru Mark Crossfield PGA professional. Mark talks about a simple but very effective way of playing from the bunker and getting the golf ball close. Improve your golf short game and get the ball out of the bunker every time.
Thanks mark! All the other videos are really complex, especially for
somebody like me that struggles with bunker play. This is so much more
simplified and a great place to start. Definitely gonna try it today at the
local practice green
Hi Mark – I understand the “hit the sand an inch behind the ball” but my
problem is that 75% of the time, I hit the ball instead and send it 20
yards over the green. The other 25% I leave the ball in the sand on the
first try. I’m totally flummoxed every time the ball is in the bunker now.
Anything else I should try? Thanks.
Simple. Looks good to me…thanks.
i love you mark!!
Thanks for the tip.
Struggling with #BunkerShots? Check out Today’s Practice Tip. Watch and
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#GolfTips, #Golf
Improve your golf bunker play around the green with Mark Crossfield.
Great stuff !
Loving the on course videos. Excellent!
Hi mark need some help. Got a handicap of 11 im 17 but im going to buy a
new set of Iron’s price range is not a problem going with a stiff shaft as
well because of my swing speed and maybe a forged head what do you suggest?
i hate bunkers i will give it ago my course the pin is very close to the
bunkers so its need to pop up
the long awaited bunker lesson is finally here! 😀 thanks mark! great video
as always.
Best way to be a good bunker player is to get in one and practice. At my GC
I never see anyone practicing in the bunker. Having said that it amazes me
the amount of times I have lost a matchplay hole to some hacker off 22 who
manages to stiff a bunker shot or even hole one and you think WTF!
Thanks for the videos Mark! Does this work for all types of sand? I do ok
when I’m in harder packed sand but when I get in fluffy sand I tend to go
right under the ball. I can’t wait to give your method a shot, thanks
Let’s get stuck in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was able to use this simple bunker shot today and it worked out better
than i expected. The bunker lip was about 4 to 5 feet high. Thanks Mark
60% of the time it works everytime.
Great video Mark. Used your method in my last round. 100% success out of
bunkers, but consistently overshot my target by 10 yards…
Finally, thanks Mark.
Like a Boss!
Thanks Mark another great lesson from you. This is the technique I use in
wet sand like you have in the video. This time of the year though some
bunkers are rock hard from the rain so I try to pitch it out, aiming to get
the ball first…. The follow through I agree is the key isn’t i? So often
I seen my friends stab into the sand with no attempt to move the club head
past the ball, with the usual tragic result…
hi mark i have recently been watching your tube videos and already you have
inproved my game ( so thank you for that. you make things so simple to
understand ) i have been struggling in bunkers so i shall go and practice
this now thank you.
Great video Mark. More and more golf pros are saying set up with the blade
square and it’s a great method.
Normally when I hit under the ball in fluffy sand or deep rough it’s
because I’ve let go of the right wrist angle too soon and/or flipped or
scooped at the ball in an attempt to help the ball in the air. You may also
want to check the bounce on your chosen wedge to make sure it’s suitable
for the state of the sand you’re playing from so that it doesn’t dig too
much; for fluffy sand I use my 10 bounce wedge.
Great tip! Thanks!
It does work… hardly ever leave it behind now
Superb video.
I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on a really tight location, i.e.
in this video the hole is 20m away, what about if it was only 2 m on to the
green total 5m shot or something. Getting it out to drop and stop from a
bunker would be interested to see a vid on that.
great video, cant wait to give it a try, im up in scotland and some of the
bunkers are really poor, almost clay like at times have you any tips for
this kind of sand. usually when you strike sand the club sticks in it and
you cant get a follow through.
Nice to see you enjoying the sand… someone contemplating joining
Woodhall Spa I look forward to your advice on how to get out of bomb crater
depth bunkers !
ive been opening the face and all sorts guna try this at the weekend thanks
Mark, you’re a badass!!! Thanks for all of your help!!!
Now that we are getting course action… let’s get different wedges in that
bunker, different bounce options, and full breakdowns of what you’re seeing
from said wedges.
I get “stuck in”several of the bunkers here in California. Thankfully the
sand is nice powder, and usually dry. Thanks for the tips on getting out of
these irritating traps.
Will you do a more specialized one as well? Nice vid will try that on the
range tomorrow if I can manage to go.
Wasn’t Gary Player who said about his bunker play .”the more I practice the
luckier I get…” ? I think that if most golfers invested a fraction of
what the spend on buying clubs in seeing a PGA Teaching Professional it
would be a better investment and it would last a life time.