Chipping From Deep Rough Golf Lesson

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Chipping From Deep Rough Golf Lesson with Mark Crossfield from Desert Springs Golf Club in Spain. Learn how to hit a short just off the green chip shot and get the ball close from heavy deep rough. Lower your handicap with simple and easy to use and understand gold instruction, tips and drills from Mark Crossfield the AskGolfGuru.

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douchydouchy says:

Good tip but..

isn’t the title misleading? It seems like what you really did there was
just a strange Putting technique from off the green. I personally am
looking for how to actually use a wedge to chip out of rough to a tight
pin, would have been nice if you included the more traditional method.
Thanks tho! seems cool

konartis8108 says:

I do this with a hybrid

Mark Crossfield says:

Chipping from deep rough with Mark Crossfield AskGolfGuru

Shaun Stokes says:

Nice tip mark will try this !

dathyr1 says:

I too say interesting. As qgbson34 said in previous comment, I use my
hybrid irons to get out of thick stuff if just off the green, I’ll have to
give this a go to see how well it works with a putter which I never thought
of using it that way. Thanks for the lesson.

DJR0633 says:

cheers Mr percentage

kimojoyo says:

im no expert but i think if you middled it with a hybrid chopping down on
the ball, it would come off the face much too hot with less control than
the putter

Jonsey2911 says:

Would never have thought of trying that, great tip!

DiscoLankaDisco says:


AnEnormousBBFan says:

I can’t wait to try this as this lie has been maybe my biggest weakness.
Thanks for the tip!

paul hutchinson says:

That is brilliant I have duffed this shot so many times, will practice this
one. Great tip share genius…

Brian Cook says:

That’s why the putter is sometimes referred to as the “Texas wedge”.

dairniel says:

So does any other chip shot.

Lee Holden says:

Interesting concept Mark, never thought of trying a putter for one of those
before! Will give it a go and see what happens!

Sander Nelemans says:

brilliant! 🙂

DMACK1981 says:

Wow. That’s a nice tip. Thanks!

rjl91788 says:

lol @ the 3 dislikes. The ball stop a foot past the hole.

Olly sussex says:

That’s a great bit of advice Mark. I guess that the risk factor cranks up
significantly trying to do this with some of the more fancy mallet
styles…..TM spider for example (if that can be classed as a putter!) 😉
I guess there is potential then for some snagging in the rough.

Jordan Park says:

That was the point he was making…

gmonkey808 says:

nope. called that because of Texas hardpan not rough.

Zach Harney says:

I tend to use the same technique but with a 55 degree. Weight on the front
foot, lil bit of hinge, no follow through. Still what you showed is worth

sluggosloan says:


Radu Blaga says:

definitely use this shot nice job Mark

mynusss says:

I gotta try this and see if it will work with my center shaft.

Danial Hamzah says:

Interesting but how about a flop shot from there?

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