I BOUGHT the CHEAPEST golf clubs on Amazon

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I bought the cheapest golf clubs on Amazon for $220. Confidence power clubs are the perfect clubs for any beginner golfer looking to buy their first set.

Confidence Power Clubs: Confidence Golf Mens Power V3 Hybrid Club Set & Stand Bag https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HY32GLK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WYK7873KH3SD99V234TQ

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Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joshmayer.golf/
Follow me on Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joshmayergolf?lang=en


@Nibster213 says:

Going to get these for my son, he’s 14 and just starting out, they’re about £160 in UK.

@wittelarry1 says:

I just bought this set for $200 on Amazon. ????

@SIutgutz4you_xox says:

I have a 2011 confidence esp (enlarged sweetspot profile) set all graphite Driver, 3w ¾hybrid 6-SW & putter. 6 & 7 irons have just had both clubheads unstick from the shafts. Glue's finally gone on them. Bought a set of ''98 firestick 2.8 graphite Wilson's to replace the lot.

@MikeNone says:

Im a beginner… gonna purchase because of this video… thx

@ricanbull17 says:

I think the pine meadows are wayyyyyy better lol

@Asantshockey says:

Are you still giving the clubs away

@abovetheearth8599 says:

I subbed!!!
Good video I’m new to golf!!! ⛳️

@calebscustoms4470 says:

Just found you on YouTube, i love your tiktoks. I immediately subscribed

@pedrocosta6787 says:

Hi men how do I participate???

@sberg3356 says:

So only have to follow on Instagram and sub here to be entered in??

@seanryan9686 says:

Just started golfing and Would be great to win these, currently using clubs from 1980 and there not that forgiving ????????

@josephthompson9412 says:

These are solid! Hit the grooves, and hope for the best! ????

@tonycozzi4128 says:

Just started playing golf and I have no clubs ????

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