Struggling to choose between fairway wood vs hybrid vs driving iron? In this video, I decide between the best clubs to plug the gap in the top of my bag, and give my top tips on how you can do the same!
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New to this golfing caper and I find I hit the hybrids left, no hook just left what am I doing wrong?
Thats why I just carry a 13 deg 3 wood a 17 deg 5 wood and a 20 deg driving 3 iron because I like the 5 wood off the fairway and the 3 iron off the tee…. I do carry 15 clubs but I’m not on tour so I don’t think I’m going to get into trouble lol ? cheers mate ????⛳️
I use all irons and a driver with a 56
Love the Ping 7 wood. Great club on the fairway.
Driver, 3 wood, 3 hybrid. 4-PW. 52,56,60 Putter. Bang bang.
I think I messed up. My 4 iron, 3 hybrid, and 5 wood are all 19 degree lofted. ? here I am on YouTube looking for videos to justify my my bag…
What golf bag is that? It looks really interesting!
Whats with you Brits and Srixon? Here in the states playing Srixon is like driving a mini. I would have much rather seen you Compare the Ping and a TaylorMade DHY. Not going to drive a mini and not gonna play Srixon. Still liked the video though.
I use my Srixon ZX off the tee instead of my driver. I’m far more consistent with it, and it will roll out to 255 yards. Would rather give up 20 yards than be out of bounds. Makes golf much easier for me.
It’s weird, I don’t consider myself a great ball striker by any means, but I hit my 2 iron a MILE. It’s legitimately the most consistent club in my bag. Off the tee, in the rough, in the fairway it doesn’t matter.
That course looks like Arizona, but the backdrop looks like Palm Desert.
Just depends on the course style and weather conditions when you're playing. Playing on a wooded course with low wind? Go with a hybrid, can use off the tee as well. Playing on a Links course with windy conditions? Use a Utility Iron that you can blast nice and low and keep difficult tee shots under the wind and roll for a mile. Adapt that last club to your course / weather conditions for the day.
People are different.
It’s not all about loft – it’s all about your swing physics.
My soon CANNOT hit a driver. I’m no good with irons past 6 long.
I hit my driver almost dead center every time the exact same distance as he drives with his 4 iron off the tee. .
It’s all about your individual talent, swing, motion AND there’s a lot to be said about your personal mindset.
Drop the 4iron and have the driving iron and 7 wood (tweak lofts) and you have both low and roll and high and soft
When I first started playing, my hybrid quickly became my go to club off the deck. I could hit it with a lot more consistency than a long iron or 3 wood. It is also extremely versatile to use for punch shots, deep rough, and even putts from the fringe. No better club imo for a high handicapper.
i don't really play golf so excuse the ignorant question: Are you not allowed to take two of these clubs in your bag at the same time or what?
I play driver and 3 wood off the tee. 5 wood off the deck. 3 hybrid a mix of both. Kinda depends on the current feel I guess but I like to have options
so glad you said that about Hybrids tending to go left for the better player, this happens to me a lot unless I take a very weak grip. The only hybrid I've hit that did what it is supposed to is the original Callaway Heavenward, fantastic club but you can't even find them used anymore. i wore out the shaft on my 4 hybrid, I still have the 2 and 1 hybrid if I need a bullet striaght 250 club I'll pull it out on narrow fairways. Just ordered the new Paradym 18 degree hybrid it seems not to be draw biased from fitting session, I am hoping it turns out that way.
I wish I was man enough to hit a driving iron
I play a 3 wood and 2h but looking at switching to a 5 wood 3h/diving iron combo instead. Super useful! I've been eyeing the Srixon, but now going to check out the Stealth too.
Beautiful H.I.T. Studio! Congratulations, you deserve it!
Im still cobbling my gaps together. I managed to get a decent r5 driver and irons near new for a real good price. But struggling finding affordable woods and wedges.
My line up is D 9.5°, 3W15°, 5W18°, 4i 23° – 11i 50°.
Any tips?
Hybrid or 7 wood EZ
Ok, so the ping g430 is lofted crazy, my two iron is 19 degrees. 7 iron is 36. I really think it’s gone too far.