DRIVER SETUP MISTAKES That Are Destroying Your Golf Game

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DRIVER SETUP MISTAKES That Are Destroying Your Golf Game

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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Eugineo Alkambangu says:

its helping me alot

Wheelz says:

Just came across your videos recently. I'm an experienced golfer, but not a good golfer.
Watching your videos are informative and I can't wait until the courses open up here in Canada to give these tips a whirl.

Jon Beverly says:

Are the set up positions you showed for the driver the same set up for irons as well? Thanks

Golf is life says:

Always enjoy your instructions. Keep up the great work!

Bruninho says:

Boas dicas! Parabéns aula de primeira…??☝️⛳?️?️

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